The Student Loans Scheme: a Gateway Drug to Debt Slavery

in #politics5 years ago

Aside from problems with K12 public education, there is this question: when did US higher education become a racket?

We now have fabulous education resources online which are invariably either totally inexpensive or free, Udemy, Khan Academy, Amazon Kindle and some dozens of others, Moreover it was only a few years ago that Rick Perry was talking about a ten-thousand-dollar bachelor’s degree. Nonetheless we now have a student debt problem which is a national disgrace and a book titled “The Student Loan Scheme, Gateway Drug to Debt Slavery”.

Laws governing student loans are beyond draconian and have largely turned one or two generations of Americans into the functional equivalent of prey animals, with bankers, federal agencies like Sally Mae and GRC, collection agencies and others enjoying a situation similar to what Africa presented to game hunters in the 18’th and 19’th centuries.

Dealing with this horrendous problem at all levels of US government will call for out-of-the-box thinking and may require a redo of our banking and monetary systems and a return to what our founding fathers called an "American System of Economics."