She is 100% a political prisoner sir. We've already seen WWII happen, we've seen internment camps, and torture in abu somewhere and in gitmo. I think it's a bit irrelevant to compare Manning with like an actual treasonist or a spy who was promised russian brides or some shit. Manning came public with information she knew pointed to savage, and dangerous wrong-doing in the operations of the US Mil. Perhaps wilileaks should have done a more comprehensive assessment of what should posted and of what not to post, although thats a different story anyways Assange is also a politial prisoner legally ostracized. Regardless, Manning was treated as such, like a political prisoner who wanted the downfall of the US in the first place, when really she felt unwell about continuing the perpetuation of torture and innocent killing in the war.
Traitor or not, she risked her career, livelihood, reputation and future to bring an integral truth to the public sphere for real discussion and analysis rather than a few old general buddies getting together to decide how to keep it secret. She was discharged from the mil. (where she previously was obviously a great soldier) dishonourably. When she attempted to commit suicide in her own cell after years in prison for something which barely even hurt the states, especially compared to what its 'heroes' like Hil, Charlie Wilson and Kissinger might be doing or have done, the American authorities punished her with a sentence to solitary confinement.
When you read through that with a bit of an open and nuanced perception, you realise just how fucking stupid all of this matter is. She should be honoured to have been that brave, she recieved many many letters of praise while in prison, etc, and the actual american authorities, how fucking backwards and ignorant they are to even think solitary confinement should still have any fuckin place in a prison system anyways, decide to not offer some psychiatric support/assessment, not a change of environment for a bit or anything which helps a person who just tried to commit suicide. Nope, nothing but the dumbest single feature in the prison system for our gal Chelsea.