I Don't Care About Douchebag Football Players

in #politics7 years ago

The United States hasn't had a balanced budget in 15 years.
We're 21 Trillion dollars in debt
Inflation has made the dollar all but worthless.
We have been at war for 16 years.
The people in charge of this lie to you on a daily basis.
There is no two party political system. There is only government.
Our forefathers went to war with England and forged an entire new country for far less.

But tell me again how enraged you are about some douchebag football players not standing for the national anthem.

Priorities People!

This is just a distraction.......resist.



Agree 100%

also this haha


lolol I saw that one in google images when looking for snek! I almost used it too!

Im not American, but I could also care less about douche bag football players. People are afraid to run there own lives, they would rather have someone else do it for them, hence why these distractions happen all the time. They are mindless sheep.

They are all enraged but they still watch. Sheep do nothing about anything but continue to be eaten by the wolf...

well put

It's hard for the sheeple to wake up.....the government indoctrination camps got to them.
Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? Not the sheeple. God help us....

Hard to wake up if you don't even know you are asleep..... In our defence we are indoctrinated from birth to be sheep. Most will not wake up willingly.

People put these players (and celebs) up as heroes to be followed. That is the first mistake. I know what you are saying. Im not a huge sports fan anyways, so I hope they are all out of a job. Wouldnt matter a bit to me.

I'm not a huge sports fan either. Do I agree with them kneeling. No. Do I agree they have the right to kneel. Yes.

But a lot of kids look up to these overgrown morons.

Hi, as a sign of my support for the tag #sports and #football, I vote for you and begin to follow you