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RE: Fuck You, Actually.

in #politics6 years ago

They might be exposed to those of wearing the They Live sunglasses but one has to wonder just how exposed they are to everyone else. Sure, it might be a higher number now than it was two years ago but I still don't see any mass uprisings on the horizon. What I see out on the streets is people going about their days.

My money is on no real change happening until the next economic collapse and even then, there's no guarantee that change will be for the better. Maybe they are so brazenly exposing themselves now because they know they own all the levers of power and cannot be stopped. The path has been chosen and the autopilot has been engaged. The status quo will be protected at all costs until there is no longer a status quo to protect.

That's the moment we all need to be on our guard because if there isn't enough of a fight from the people, what happens after the next systemic crash will be most undoubtedly worse. The reason we fight now is not because the system can be changed. It's to prepare for when the system collapses. It's important that people understand why the collapse is going to happen, so the ruling class who caused it at our expense can be ousted from power when it does. Otherwise, we'll just keep repeating the same cycle over and over again.