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RE: Happy In Dependence Day: A Day To Celebrate Living in a Brainwashed Slave Cult

in #politics8 years ago

Leave? Do it, all you have to do is get on a plane and leave. Just DO IT!

It's a CULTure to celebrate Independence day!

GOVERNment! schFool system programing is a major cause. Un school or home school to not become a tool or fool.

It is amazing to watch the millions of brainwashed people celebrate 4th of July or Canada Day, A day of being free????

Tax = Extortion = Brainwashed Citizen = Slave

How is it Freedom and a free country if you must pay contributions or be kidnapped and throw into rape camps.

I am celebrating today for escaping the Government Rats.


we can't all escape, we are frogs in a boiling pot. We became financial slaves when the first private central bank of north america was founded, to "enable trade" according to Hamilton, who was loathed by many of the Founders. The Fed and the Patriot Act put the last nails in the Constitutional coffin I am afraid. I have family obligations that prevent me from leaving, or I would have done so long ago. And since my first immigrant ancestors arrived in 1608, I think I have every right to stay here and try to be as disruptive to their plans from the inside as I can possibly be. And not all my ancestors were immigrants.

Why do North Americans think they are free when your governed by gun point?
Anyone living in North America is an immigrant unless they are a Native.

My german grandparents felt the same way and only got out after the wall came down.

I wish you luck and prosperity my friend @binksmom.

Strange as this may seem (disclaimer: I don't have any use for Centralized Authority) the U.S. citizen that is governed at gun point has many more guns pointed back at those "governing". Bundy Ranch was an example of armed citizens standing up to and forcing a Federal agency to stand down. If and when things get bad enough here, the rest of the world will be reminded of just how free Mericans are. In the very least the world will see how strong States rights and their armed militia's are. Feel free to check out my vlog on internet kill switch and paranoia @bluecollarallstar

I listened to your blog on internet kill switch. When the banks Fail, Internet will be turned off. Other excuses will be given, probably the boogyman Russia.
Bro, they will come for you guns... Your one against a team of SWAT? you do not have a chance. Military personal follow orders. Even if its Marshal Law.

It is that bad!

Bundy was killed, shot down in the snow in front of his whole family getting out of his truck.
The US people are weak over weight cowards they will never stand up for anything not even them selves. Chick-shits that only bomb schools, churches and hospitals.
Down with the US and EVERYTHING it stands for!