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RE: On my way to vote

in #politicslast month (edited)

The goat goes to the sheep and says, "Don't you know that line is the line that leads right to the slaugterhouse?? The shepherd has tricked you!"

And the sheep say, "Yes, and you'll have to go to the BACK of the line! This is MY spot, so you'll have to patiently wait just like everyone else."

The goat blinks and takes a few steps back, before bolting off to hop the fence and return to nature! The sheep are insane! But oh no.

The goat meets a wolf!

"Ahh! Please don't eat me, Mr. Wolf! I'm in no mood to be eaten! The sheep have all gone mad! And in a way that's really fucked and not funny anymore! They used to just be rude and stupid and naive, but now it feels like they're really really seeking out a twisted and bad end for themselves!"
The wolf looks at the goat surprised. "Eat you? Why would I eat you? I'm a vegan."

The goat screams.

But a bright dawn shines - The sheep are upset about their fate and have begun to protest! "We want better slaughterhouse conditions! Double the lines to speed things up, more security and TSA-scanning at the gate, and priority tickets for the richest sheep."


Aaaah! Vegan wolves is a terrifying shibboleth I'd not face.