
I'm apparently not appealing to the whales and dolphins lately. I think I remember reading some concern on Dan's page that they're afraid of the user base having too much of an anarchist slant. What are you gonna do? Trolls complain the loudest and the site owners are scared of driving people who aren't anarchists away.

Looks to me like Steemit is already caving to some of the same pressure that ruined Reddit and which also plagues Youtube and Twitter

So maybe we develop a Steem powered Anarchist blog site, Steemarchy. It's not like we can't build side chains.

To the point of your article, this is why I love being in the anarchist/voluntary/peaceful parenting community. I get to read so many well thought out, reason and evidence based, articles that include children in the solution. I have never been one to hyphenate my Anarchy, but I am beginning to believe that if we are to have a stateless society, it will be because of how we raise our children: peacefully, respectfully, fully bonding, with reason and evidence, and win-win negotiations. With enough children, we can breed the state out of existence. Anarcho-breeders for the win! ;)