Tactical Tips for Targeted Memetics to Defund The Corporate News Network

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

"Brand Warfare"

We need to target their wallets. We do that through advertisers. Advertisers are speculators, speculating that associating their brands with specific media outlets will increase their bottom line. Thusly, a targeted online campaign of raids and memetics meant to generate outrage at them from every angle will quickly convince their profit-minded and principally-spineless shareholders to turn and flee as quick as you can say 401-K.

We need memes putting the brands of every CNN advertiser on the consequences and end results of everything CNN endorses or has endorsed. Wherever CNN supports war, put a clip/still of that with a clip/still of that area bombed out, or some person blown up, or some other consequence, and then overlay all the advertisers brands as a big "Brought To You By".

Dig Into each of these advertisers and start exposing their dirty little secrets. Example, iPhone, brought to you by a guy who works in a building surrounded by suicide prevention nets. Nike, Brought to you by child laborers.

Pepe needs to put on his shill hat, and start giving each of these of these advertisers the touch of death to the left wing normies who genuinely associate Pepe with everything Nazi and Not Nice. These should be genuine endorsements that even point out a positive feature or two, even if in an underhanded fashion. "Verizon, better reception for you, better data-collection to prevent another 9/11." Be ambiguous when being underhanded. If they can tell you're not serious, you're not doing it right.

"With friends like these - The Anti-Advertisers"

Create "normie-type" adverts, but direct them towards the exact opposite demographic intended for. Pro family values ads in LGBT freindly areas. Pro-cop ads in black neighborhoods. Pro-border security ads in Commiefornia. We need only trigger the easily triggered in the name of these advertisers watch the hilarity ensue. These ads need to be indistguishable from their normal ads in terms of styles and fonts and so forth. We need only trick the stupid into raging against our tyrants. After all, why should the left be the only ones to make good use of useful idiots Lets use a little social judo to play the culture of manufactured outrage against those purveying it.

Do unto other assholes as you would have other HanAssholeSolo's do unto you.

FakeNews Propaganda CorleoneNewsNetwork CorporateNewsNetwork ClintonNewNetwork CNNMemeWar MemeWar2 ChargeCNN FireFakeNews DoxxMeAndSeeWTFHappens DefundCNN DefundFakeNews ReleaseTheKekkan CronyNewsNetwork CrapNewsNetwork OperationAutismStorm

No death threats. It's wrong, its gives them victimhood currency, it's illegal and risky, it's unimaginative and ultimately, it is the mark of most lizard brained of trolls. I dont even call them trolls, gremelins is a far more suitable moniker for them.