The United Nations was established on October 24th, 1945. The United States deposited their ratification of the United Nations Charter on August 8th, 1945. The United Nations replaced the League of Nations because the League of Nations was found to be morally and organizationally bankrupt in preventing war. The League of Nations was officially dissolved and assets returned to the former member countries. The United Nations has multiple complexes around the world, such as a Headquarters in the old League of Nations “Palace of Nations” Headquarters.
The Highest Law of the Land is the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN-UDHR) and it supersedes all national constitutions, national laws and codes, and every nation. The Treaty between the United Nations and the United States from June 26th, 1947 -that headquarters the United Nations in New York City– granted the whole of the CITY OF NEW YORK to the United Nations, along with radio facilities and an airport. The City of New York is its own Sovereign City-State just like the Vatican City, City of London, City of Washington, and CERN. Article 51 of Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter states that: “Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations”. “The European way is the United Nations way,” declared Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. “The European vision is the United Nations vision.” She was delivering her statement as the Security Council discussed United Nations cooperation with the European Union in the context of its work with regional and subregional organizations. The article headline read European Union Indispensable Partner of United Nations, Ready to Build Cooperative New World Order, Its Top Diplomat Tells Security Council. Find the article here:
The full “Global Coordinated Reset” must end the United Nations. The UN’s end is inevitable; its only function is and was the perpetuation of World War 2 through the franchising and overlay of “legal presences” within their “UN Member-Nations.” All “UN Member-Nations” must be dissolved likewise. At the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, when the soon-to-be-victorious Allies met to create a new global financial system, the International Monetary Fund was created. In the late 1940’s, President Sukarno of Indonesia was appointed monetary controller of behalf of the depositors to monitor and implement the Global Accounts for redevelopment purposes.
How did the banking elite abuse the Accounts?
The central banking families had already put in place essential structures to seize and control this wealth: the Bank of International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the United Nations, all of which were funded by elite banking figures, including the Rockefellers and Warburgs. The agreements to use the funds for development were neglected, and the banking elite proceeded to use them for their own ends, blocking the depositors from access. President Sukarno of Indonesia had been appointed “M1” or Monetary Controller of the Accounts (as much of the assets are stored in hidden bunkers in Indonesia), but he was removed from power after making a deal with John F. Kennedy to use the funds to back new U.S. Treasury dollars, in a direct move against the central bankers’ power. Kennedy’s assassination prevented this move from succeeding.
The central bankers put in place a system that allows the Federal Reserve to block anyone but banking elite insiders from using the Accounts, thus blocking the actual owners – the depositors – from utilizing the assets for humanitarian programs, as originally intended.
Letter to the World Influences, leaders, and representatives.
Legal notice to: Global Collateral Account Owner's
Royal Account No. 501.101.357
IWH; White Spiritual Boy; Spiritual Wonder Boy
Collateral Account No. 103.357.777
Secretariat Office:
Jl. Nangka no. 53E Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa
From: Guarantor of MI9
Holy See Global District - N.E.O
Global Etherbank Trust - World Trust
World's Common Realms Fund
For: High Imperial Majesty
Holy See Global District - N.E.O
World Interagency Financial Authorities
Global Etherbank for Holy See Global District
To: Beneficiary Owner
Her Majesty - House of Crowns
House of Crowns Treasury
General Solutionist of the Global District
High Imperial Majesty of the Kingdom Countries
Holy See Global district
World Trust
Global Operation - Cryptographic Monetary Reform 2017
Global District
Greetings to all honorary ladies & gentlemen throughout the boundless Omniverse!
I am! H.I.M Nebu Wabu of the Royal Nubian Family. It is my honor and royal duty to present to all the new cryptomonetary-fiat for the global world system. A sacred commerce monetary control finance under the global district authority letter patent covenant "The Atlanian Papyrus"; "The Recovery Doctrine". All societies, governments, and organizations of the world are free to ratify and accept the Exhibit A-999, noocratic format of true culture society, with financial flow charts of your token - MI9 claim. To be compensated under the authorization of the opening and closing of this agreement by owner of MI9's knowledge only.
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Contact: World Trust
L.P.S. Nebu
Holy Crown House
Attn: Known all natural peoples, men, women , and children of all kingdom countries throughout boundless omniverse, this is in your hands now given by the divine forces of nature to the future generations eternally. The People of the Covenant and the new inheritance.
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