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RE: Americans Should Be Very Skeptical Of Calls For New “Terrorism” Laws

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

IMO, many mass shootings in the US such as San Bernardino, Orlando, Parkland, and Las Vegas were false flags orchestrated by the CIA and FBI. These attacks are part of the US government's agenda to disarm the American populace who, when awakened, represent its greatest threat.

At first blush, the El Paso attack does not appear to be a false flag because the perp apparently wasn't brainwashed or confused, knew what he was doing, surrendered peacefully, and is talking. In a false flag, the perp usually dies, or if he lives, he has been brainwashed. For example, in the Parkland attack, the patsy, Cruz, apparently had been brainwashed to the point where he didn't know what had happened. Hired guns actually did the shooting at Parkland and San Bernardino. Eye witnesses saw multiple shooters and said they were black-clad paramilitary types. Orlando and Las Vegas also look like multiple shooters, but occurred in the dark of night and eyewitness accounts are sketchy. Hopefully, the modern day Sherlock Holmes, Ole Dammegard, will look into El Paso.

However, this El Paso hate crime (also Gilroy and Dayton) advances the government's surveillance state agenda even better than a false flag. Now the pretext has been created for the government to go after these 'domestic terrorists', but in reality, they are going after the truth tellers.