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RE: Americans Should Be Very Skeptical Of Calls For New “Terrorism” Laws

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

It's no secret that the CIA is running covert psychological operations (psyops) in countries such as Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Hong Kong, etc designed to destabilize the economy, society, and government. And yes, you can be sure it's also running psyops here in American society as well. These operations are behind much of the civil unrest, riots, racial division, Islamophobia, hate crimes, false flags, etc that we are experiencing today. The CIA wants to keep us fighting among ourselves to keep us distracted because an awakened, informed, and united American populace represents the greatest threat to the organized crime syndicate that passes for our government. So, wake up to the real danger people, stop believing the MSM propaganda, and for God's sake, STOP THE HATING! We are being played like a cheap fiddle.