Trump reversed his position on climate change? Apparently, he's not afraid to change his mind if the evidence warrants it. Got to give him a lot of credit for that.
My take on things, pretty much agrees with your essay, Caitlin, but with an interesting twist. Yes, I think scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports the position that climate change is dire and accelerating due to many positive feedback processes. And yes, I believe the globalists are desperately pushing a world-wide hegemonic agenda.
However, I think that though the globalists are psychopathic control-freaks, they also know all about the threat of climate change and want to save their skins as much as anyone.
IMO, the globalists want to establish a NWO one-world government (Agenda 21/30) because that's the only way the world will be able to organize and marshal it's resources in a cohesive monumental effort to save humankind from the existential threat of climate change.
So, humankind is faced with two choices: Agenda 21/30 or near-term human extinction - pick your poison. The problem is the climate is warming faster than previously predicted by climate scientists. So, the timeline for implementing Agenda 21/30 is probably FUBAR and it's no longer a viable option. Isn't that a sobering thought.