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RE: Origin of Anti-Semitism

in #politics8 years ago

The Jews have been judged throughout history by God. Biblical Prophecy 101. Also when you mention "church" it's important to note that this was not THE true church. The true church that Jesus built got hijacked and was paraded around as Christianity when it was far from what Jesus made it to be. The romans decided to use Christianity for political gain and control which was not at all what it was intended to do. Also Anti--Semitism goes far beyond what we know it as. This is a bigger battle going on in the Spiritual realm. Simply put, the Jews are the line who Yahweh decided to send his son through as the savior of world. Jesus was sent here to carry out the world's greatest plan. This is where satan comes in who is absolutely evil and his goal is to put an end to good in the world, anyone who associates with God or His people, and the Jews. This hatred for Israel is much deeper than what we see on the surface.