that's normal. When you put a dog on someone the dog stays on the bite until the person fully submits or there are other officers to continue the fight. Because of the liability of outing the dog and it re-gripping off command and that resulting in an "unnecessary force" suit, some depts do not teach the dog an out command or do not command and out and manually remove the dog from the subject. As I didn't hear a bite command ("packen") until the dog was already engaging it's possible the dog got away from the cop prematurely. Training dogs to be under control in that sort of situation and also fully committed to the fight is no walk in the park and most trainers fall short of that. That being said, the officer did repeatedly warnt to stop or the dog would be deployed. We don't know how they got to the point of the police commanding the dude on the bike, so my initial take is that was justified and fair application of force. The guy wasn't severely injured. I've been bitten by many many dogs. It's unpleasant but it's not the end of the world.
also, many cops will tell you there are bad folks out there that aren't scared of being tazed, pepper sprayed, or even shot... but bring a dog in and some of these guys fold immediately... its irrational, but people have a great fear of being bitten by a dog.
It's scary that you think "it was justified force" but you have a right to your own opinion!
Thanks for checking it out
why do you find that scary? keep in mind we don't know the back story here... maybe he stole a pack of cigarrettes... or maybe he was headed somewhere to make good on a threat of violence on someone else... we just don't know. What we do know is he was told repeatedly to stop, warned a dog would be deployed... i've never had a k9 sent to bite me, nor been shot, tazed, or sprayed by the police. when they ask me to comply, I do. if they ask to search my vehicle/property/person i know they don't have the legal right, I inform them as such politely and without conflict, and thats worked great for me so far.
You clearly stated that you are fine with assault of bodily harm as long as it's an officer doing it!
Even when there is clearly no evidence to support it. How is your mentality not scary? He was being stop for no bicycle light!
i don't see where i said that. I'm sorry if you read that. he wasn't bitten for the crime he committed, he was bitten for not complying when told to. you don't fight your battles on the side of the road, you fight them in a court room. its illogical to bitch about the cop's use of force if that use of force is within the confines of the law. if we as a society don't like it, we change the law, not attack the person acting within the law.
and to be fair, that wasn't anything approaching a "mauling". the dog did as trained... it bit, held the grip, and did not shift cause unnecessary damage to the dude.