ROTFLMAO - I enjoy your sarcastic humor !!!! Ya, the FED RES prints money and charges INTEREST on it,,, when the Constitution says the TREASURY should print it with NO INTEREST,,,, any president who figured this out was KILLED (Lincoln, Kennedy - see Executive Order 11110).
That being said,,, we are NO LONGER a "REPUBLIC",,, that has been dead for over 150 years... (see Civil War). In a REPUBLIC, the PEOPLE are FREE (ie. NO LAWS may be made to constrain them) and there is suppose to be the "RULE of LAW" (ie. the People make LAWS the GOVERNMENT SERVANTS must follow). The CONSTITUTION is the SUPREME LAW of the LAND and as is very clear in its example it is LAW over the GOVERNMENT,,, NOT over the People..... To obtain the "powers of office" one must FIRST swear an OATH to follow and uphold this LAW that restrains them.....
Today they Legal Society has figured out fraudulantly how to make the people "EMPLOYEES" of the Fed,,, as is evident in the PREMA FACIA EVIDENCE of a SSN (employee retirement fund)..... hence now (FRAUDULENTLY) they hold ALL PEOPLE (no longer free) to the LAWS that are suppose to restrict the government.
I am very glad to see your thoughts @i-am-mark and thanks a ton for posting, wow intriguing comments, forget the other medias I love commentary that is brought by fellow steem bloggers. I feel we are in a Constitutional Republic, not nearly as much Constitutional Democracy due to the democratic election of officials to appoint those who work as "agents to the peoples' will." We don't directly elect all officials within government obviously, but I do see where you are heading. Sadly in a practical manner modern day we have strayed away from the founding republican principles of the founding, having more of a two party redistribution model of wealth to appease the masses that would rather elect polyanna lawmakers to appease their feelings rather than address real national concerns as you mentioned above with the Fed and the Social Ponzi Security fund. Great stuff wow, I love the commentary thank you so much for the commentary, it's so pleasing to discuss these matters with someone so knowledgeable and well spoken.
Thank you @cryptkeeper17 , followed and upvoted as well.
I enjoyed your comment mate! UPvoted and followed! 😉
Glad to see that @jockey, I saw some of your posts and think what you do is great, pretty sure I voted them at least a few times already. I am honored you liked the article and will keep my eyes open for you for sure. Thanks again and enjoy your 2018!
Thank you @jockey I appriciate the follow and hope to keep providing knowledge and perspective,, off to check your blog now!