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RE: My YouTube Channel Is On The Verge Of Deletion

in #politics7 years ago

I am in the middle of getting to know your videos as a result of your contact with others that are associated with the intellectual dark web. I don't like how some of your material makes me feel but that is precisely why I am continuing to watch. That unease may be my internal compass telling me to pay attention.

This series of events brings up several random thoughts.

  1. Maybe telling the truth as you see it (which is your right) has more than one manner of delivery and you've chosen one close to win-lose than win-win, creating the (albeit unjust) karma you are now facing.
  2. Socrates just drank the poison and let the chips fall. Compared to that, this is nothing.
  3. It may be the case that as a forum approaches a level of reach commensurate with a "utility service" it inevitably takes on the behavior and regulation of the state.
    Just some underdeveloped thoughts that popped.
    I do think all ideas, especially if they are misguided, should be allowed exposure to daylight. As other comments said, maybe it's time to expand beyond YouTube. Good luck.