Identitarianism simply put is the focus on identity with an emphasis on European Identity. We believe that if every other group is advocating for their interests then why don’t we. Identity is at the heart of every person. Its that Identity the grounds us when it seems like the world is falling apart and boosts to even greater heights during celebration. There are many temporary identities that a person can have and when these identities fail to keep with the change of life they can be devastating to that person.
We believe by grounding ourselves in our European identity which will never change as it is a biological part of us. Some people may ask “Aren’t you an American, how can you be European?”. The answer to this is simple just because I had to fortune or misfortune depending on how you look at it to be born away from Europe doesn’t make me not European. Our ancestors came from Europe we will always be connected to the mother continent. This belief may seem radical in the current day, but it is something that all people have held before the 1960’s when the elite decided to change it with the 1965 immigration act. We place a high emphasis on our people. Therefore, we don’t consider ourselves left or right we simply want what’s best for our people and are willing to have that discussion among us. We want global diversity. We do not want to see the world turned into an undifferentiated mass. We want all cultures to exist.
In Europe Generation Identity actively promotes European Identity and along with the idea to Defend Europe. The preform a lot of good activism in Europe everything from banner drops to putting burkas on famous female statues in Europe. It makes for a very good political statement about the Islamification of Europe. They are normal people fighting for their right to exist as an independent culture.
In America there is no Generation Identity chapter, but they do have their own Identarian organizations. Identity Evropa is one such organization. They want to rekindle the community amongst European Americans. That was lost by America becoming more atomized and isolated. They particularly aim at retaking colleges from the Marxists. They recently did a banner drop at Georgia Tech University.
Onwards and Upwards Brothers!
Good post Ty!! upvoted/re-steemed
Fact: Islam has been a European religion for roughly twice as long as Protestant Christianity has even existed.
That being said, I think we in the US can learn a lot politically from the European Union.
Islam isn't a European religion. Its spread through Europe generally follows the replacement of Europeans. Not to mention it advocates for an Islamic identity over a European one. The EU has a lot of problems primarily with its failure to defend Europe from the Islamic invaders.
Nothing you just said is even remotely true.
See? thickheaded suddenly. There are some truth in his comment. Don't be dramatic
And I suppose you could say Islam has had a presence in Europe (through conquest) many times longer than Mormon Christianity, but is there any reason you elected to ignore genuine Christianity, that is Catholicism, in your statement? That's the faith that formed Europe after the fall of Rome. That's the Church responsible for holding Islam at bay, repelling it in several cases, and providing the bedrock upon which these other Protestant faiths emerged.
"Genuine" lol. Going to reignite the European wars of religion with that one. Catholicism is simply the result of the Bishop of Rome choosing to schism from the rest of Christianity, and members of Eastern Orthodox branches of Christianity might take issue with the declaration of Catholicism as being the fundamental European and Roman church, or as the primary force against Islam (as if that's something to necessarily be proud of - Christianity has aggressed against Islam as often as Islam has aggressed against Christianity). Islam has been a religion of conquest, but Christianity has been the religion of forced conversion in Europe.
Anyway, if Mister totally-not-racist Identarian really want to promote the European identity, he or she should be pushing irreligion, and not Christianity. Europeans are by and large not religious, and have becoming more secular over time.
No, what this identity stuff is really about is ethnic imperalism, and laying the groundwork for a future campaign of ethnic cleansing and genocide. That really needs to be said. This is a campaign to oppress innocent for reasons that are bigoted and arbitrary, and if it appears otherwise, it is just due to the standard sort of entryist tactics normally employed by these fascist types.
I don't think groups like BLM would appreciate being compared to fascism, them defending their right to exist strictly based on ethnicity is now fascism? It escapes me how Christianity has to be riddled with guilt about its past. While no other religion w/a violent past, oh wait that's all of them, seems to feel the need or be compelled to re-think it's theological timeline and repent!! lol. Islam just shrugs it's shoulders and trudges on screaming about infidels. All this introverted animosity and self hate is what is driving Europeans away from Christianity. Whomever designed this plan is brilliant!
I honestly can't make heads or tails of this comment. Is it supposed to relate to the chain of discussion somehow?
It was in reply to the last paragraph of you comment silly. "identity stuff is really about..." My comparison is BLM is an Identitarian group as well. All groups that make a claim to "rights," strictly based on ethnicity is an Identity group or any attempt to gain political sway strictly by using your ethnicity. Your last sentence about "entryist tactics...." So is that statement only in regards to white Europeans?
Then the rest of my comment after the first sentence was somewhat of a rant i suppose. All truth i might add. ;) How come you pretend to be suddenly thick when someone replies? You've done this twice now in the post thread alone....
As fair as religion is concerned I support any religion that has tradition roots within Europe. It is important for us Europeans to have the basis within the metaphysical to prevent the decent into degeneracy. Protecting ones culture and people from being wiped out by an aggressor is hardly arbitrary and bigoted. BLM isn't fascist if anything they are a Marxist cult dedicated to exacerbating white guilt.