I've not traveled/lived in Europe so can't say anything about life there. Europeans I've met in other places, including America, have tended to be some of the most open-minded, ethnically inclusive people I've ever known, but then that group is self-selecting for traveling outside Europe when I meet them! And also I think things change over time. One decade can have a very different feel than another, depending on what's happening in the world.
But I will credit America for at least trying to be better on these issues. Until the current president we had a national ideal of moving beyond tribalism and divisiveness. Things have taken a step back, but it is likely to be corrected by impeachment. Even if the impeachment process fails, it will send a clear signal to our youth that just because someone rises to great power, that does not mean they are a great person nor that they should be emulated.
We generally aim high here in America, and are an idealistic nation. That's probably the one good thing we bring to the world. Sorry for all the bombs.