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RE: Choosing the Battleground

in #politics8 years ago

Yeah this article makes a lot of strong but completely baseless claims.

The number of people questioning statism is a drop in the ocean. Insignificant. The vast majority of people cannot comprehend society existing without government. It never occurs to them not even as an thought experiment.

And statists bring plenty of so called moral arguments for themselves. Like how you have what you have because of government, like freedom means a chicken in every pot etc. The philosophical debate is far from over. The fact that you see the arguments as baseless is not relevant in the grand scheeme of things. Most people do not see them so, and for them they are strong arguments.

Most arguments may not be rational but they don't need to be. Most people are not rational about politics and morality.

Making such strong claims like these can work in a bubble, preaching to the coir kind of situation but would lose 99.9% of listeners. Especially the authoritative tone which these claims are made.


I upvoted your post on accident and seemingly am unable to remove my vote. Anyway, I believe you've completely misinterpreted the concept of this article and are approaching it at the wrong angle.