Gun "Control"?

in #politics7 years ago

Now, I personally have a very liberal point of view on this topic, however there are many who think like extremists on both ends of this debate.

Would love to hear what your thoughts and arguments are for either "side" of this on going debate.

As for my opinion:
Banning the right to own a firearm is WRONG, voting in very strict and LOGICAL laws is the way to go.

A decent law abiding citizen should not have to fear for their life when confronted by the dangers that criminals pose to them. Decent law abiding citizens should feel safe in their own homes. Decent law abiding citizens who are qualified to use a a firearm should be allowed to posses a firearm for its foreseen purpose.

Remember, it's not the firearm that kills people, it is the person who pulls the trigger that is doing the killing.

Hunting regulations and laws need to be revised and put into order, mother nature needs to be looked after and if anything, I dare say that many of the European nations have brought their hunting laws and organizations up to speed with this. They nurture mother nature and ensure the survival of all species.
The hunters in Europe actually work more at neutralizing the affects of humans, such as roads, lack of natural habitat and so on, much more than they do actual "hunting".

This is a FACT that I have seen and experienced first hand in Europe. So I don't need any yahoo telling me that is isn't the case.
The laws that govern hunting are so logical and up to date with the needs of the 21st century. Likewise the rules and statutory regulations of the hunting associations are practically so strict and concentrated on nature conservation that the laws of the states seem like childplay.

I truly believe that LOGIC should prevail in situations that people disagree upon and not "BANNING" something that is available out there.

The sad part is the fact that on the black market weapons are readily available anywhere we go and this is what should be kept in mind when chewing on the "LOGIC".

There it is.... I'm PRO LOGIC hence I guess I am too liberal for both sides of this story!


If a person is committed and predisposed to committing an act of violence on such a mass scale, the only thing that will stop them is someone prepared, trained, and capable of defending life. It’s time to tell the liberals that we are tired of being held to the mercy of the criminals and the mentally ill, while we wait for standard emergency response times.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

Gun control is out of order.
Governments do it to ensure that a pissed off populace can't rise up and kick their arses to the kerb when they are out of control. This is why the left wing lunatics led by psychos like Hitlary Clinton are constantly going on about it. Hitler, Pol Pot and Stalin disarmed the public prior to going on the rampage, didn't end well for the folks there did it.
The founding fathers of the USA knew that an armed public were the best way to keep a government from going rogue. The many false flags we have seen around the world in the UK, Australia and the US are designed to enact laws to take weaponry out of our hands, one day we'll pay for that.

It was never a weapon that killed a person, it was the always the person pulling a trigger.

History has always been the guiding light for the future, unfortunately people seem to think that they can defeat human nature and hence imagine to themselves how they can beat it. People tend to make the same mistakes that people in history made, over and over again.

Sounds rather discouraging when it is stated so blatantly without any consideration to how people may feel about the facts/truth.

It is difficult to put ones personal opinions in front of LOGIC, yet too often the extremists who don't care for logic will brand someone as "anything negative" just to unjustly discredit them, rather than admit that LOGIC should prevail in all laws/legislature.

This is a very sad world we live in, very sad.

U.S. Gun crimes are overblown. If you don't travel to CHICAGO, ATLANTA, DETROIT, or BALTIMORE you effectively eliminate any odds of being even 5 miles from a shooting. I live in a county with the HIGHEST PER CAPITA issuance of concealed carry permits and work in public safety - guess what - we have nearly 0% gun crime. 0 - zero. If you take suicides and gangs out of the numbers guns are safer than your bathtub. Rifles kill less than 300 people a year - ACCIDENTS mostly, and pistols are literally all dirt bags and gang bangers. Firearms are inanimate objects. Laws cannot guarantee your safety. They banned drugs and yet they are everywhere. The anti-gun mindset is rooted in illogical ideals based on false realities. It will never win and never work.

I will give up my guns with the statists give up theirs. Never happen. Guns allow the 4th branch of government - the people. If the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches turn against the will of the People - then it is the people who will challenge them. To those who say, "You could never take on the government!"

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I applaud your statement.

thank you.

Numbers can be made to tell whatever story you want, but it was a guy with a gun in Texas that helped stopped a mass murderer that was leaving after he shot up a church.

It will be interesting with technologies like civic help with gun sales background checks. Not saying it will keep the guns out of criminals hands, but maybe make it a little more difficult for people, like the one mentioned above, from easily obtaining guns.


Again, LOGIC needs to prevail in all steps, especially when we take into consideration that technology has gotten to the point where anything can be found out with a quick phone call or a few clicks on a computer.


I can say to you, as many have said to me in the past "Watch out, no one likes LOGIC when we are talking about government laws/legislation............ you could be declared an enemy of the state if you start lobbying for logic and common sense...... watch out!!!!"

Well.. politicians banning guns prevent law-abiding citizens from defending themselves.

After this right to defend yourself is taken away from a person, government offers its protection. But govt is inefficienct, often slow and cannot be everywhere.

I strongly oppose people's rights taken away from them for the sake of more govt control.

Freedom and the right to defend oneself with equal force is a HUMAN RIGHT.


Governments are the biggest trafficker of weapons. Who are they to tell anyone that they shouldn't own a gun?

Note: "Syrian rebels" should read "foreign jihadi, head-chopping terrorists".


I'm a believer in the "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". We can't let that happen.

That is a very LOGICAL conclusion.

We need to start the conversation off with facts and not hyperbole. Misleading conversations with exaggerated claims doesn't help anyone.

Gun ownership in Switzerland is nowhere near 50% more like 25. Now while I think the governments of this world need to be kept in check there is no fucking way in hell I would want to live in the american system.

I think the above figure takes into consideration all of the weapons in Switzerland, including the ones as per the mandatory military service laws in the country.

& I beg to differ as far as starting the conversation with figures that raise eyebrows, what better way than this to get reactions, in particular those that disagree with my general liberal point of views that neither side of this "story" like to read.

LOGICAL approaches are never appreciated by extremists.

You will never convince extremists.

That may be true, but there are people with opinions, who can argue them and use logic rather than emotions.

I am overly satisfied that everyone who commented was cool, calm and collective.

This in itself shows a lot of positivism.

The only unassailable, filibuster proof majority in American history was between 2009 and 2011, under democrats. A decade after Columbine. What this means is that actual legislation of virtually any sort, could have been passed by them. These would be laws, from Congress, where they are meant to spring forth from, that could not simply be penned over by whomever becomes the next president. If the political goal is proving moral superiority, neither democrats or republicans are doing as well as they seem to think. Also, it is a pathetic, dead-end goal. And if you are blaming Trump (who is a horrible person and president) for these shootings, you are doing so at least in part to alleviate the personal shame of our own responsibility, as a society, for what is happening here.

"Taking responsibility for ones actions and admitting to ones faults with the intention to "fix them" is what is lacking in this world."

of course this is true. and we are each responsible for having some understanding of statistics.

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