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RE: What Happens, When It Happens? It Almost Did Happen! (PART 2)

in #politics7 years ago

In reality, without any sarcasm, it was probably a very logical option, not maybe the best option, but one of the options that in the given situation had to be considered.

If you do not have the people with the know how to defend themselves and their homes, then an all out retreat (run for your lives) is more than realistic!

That doesn't mean that these people are not patriotic (loyal to nation/people and our country) what it means is:

If a person has never been educated and trained to handle certain tools, to do a certain job, to know what to expect in a certain field, then one can not expect that person to do it.

So to with defending oneself.

The martial arts are often referred to as "self defense", the training sessions are often called "self defense courses".

So if Aussies have never taken self defense courses for a situation where we are expected to defend ourselves, our loved ones and our homes!

Need I say any more!