George Soros and his Billions that he spreads all over the world to push his Political Left wing Socialist agenda was not earned in the ways that most of the tycoon we see here in the USA or even china and Europe , The Soros family wealth has a history originating in Europe in 1930s and 40s when the Nazi Blitzkrieg swept across Europe and on there path of destruction Billions in precious artwork , religious relics , and gold , silver and jewelry were just some of the spoils of the Nazi party . Well when the Nazis started loosing ground and Hitler loosing his mind , the Germans started retreating practicing a scorched earth policy in there wake , but they made sure to take what was of value along the way hiding there spoils , most never to be returned to there rightful owners . Some of these high ranking Nazi officials were caught and prosecuted but some were not. The ones who were not caught sold the art off for millions ultimately equaling billions today . The Soros family benefited from this disgusting smear of history and turned it into there shining moment when there family became they wealthy philanthropists they claim to be today. They are far from it , there socialist agenda is dividing us further and further everyday , and until we call this for what it is " socialism " then we will never be able to defend our country from the vice it will put around our great Way of life.
But that is not the same reality for all of the Nazi war criminals that slipped through the cracks with millions in stolen art work and historic artifacts that the Nazis had pillaged and stolen on there death march through Europe , Ukraine , North Africa have never been tracked down or returned to there rightful owners , and to be very blunt about these claims the reason that George Soros has the money he has is due to his father , nad family ties to Nazis stolen artwork and it ended up right in the hand of the Soros family , and the have reaped the reward ever since useing his Billions to fund Left Wing Socialist agendas all over the world , like Black Lives Matter , how do you think they are so well funded and organized ? They are middle/ low class on welfare or food stamps and they are all spending thousands of there own money for signs and shirts and blow horns and banners , transportation , food , water ? Really anyone who is a reasonable person can see that they are being mobilized and funded to be used as pawns in a political agenda that is being carried out by a thug criminal = George Soros #savagenation never lets me down , Micheal Savage radio podcasts at (savagenation)[] he always has the real deal info on today top issues .