I could not have said it better myself ! This women is a large cloud of oppression , a walking contradiction , and a master manipulator who has used a fake women's right / LGBT / white privilege mongering platform to draw in a base of people who if they really new who she was , and what she has accomplished during her political career would realize just how disturbing this whole debacle really is . This women committed numerous felonies , jeopardized national security , and is responsible for the death's of multiple American's in Benghazi during her stay as Obama's secretary of state . Lets not forget Uranium 1 , the Clinton Foundation had received millions in donations from investors in Uranium One, a Canadian-based company that sold a controlling stake in 2010 to Rosatom, the Russian nuclear energy agency, in a deal that had to be approved by the U.S. government , which allowed Russia to obtain 20% of our Uranium deposits ! Who was secretary of state at the time ? Hillary Clinton , shouldn't that be a major conflict of interest ? You and your husbands " foundation " receiving millions in donations as you approve a deal that benefits that same Corporation donating those millions to this so called "foundation" ?
As you said in your post I could go on and on , it's always great to see the truth spread and not snuffed out by all the B.S the media puts out
and I will be following and looking forward to more content you got my upvote/resteem
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