Hey Alex :) Thanks for tagging me - it's always good to engage with forward-thinking people, and even more so when they're asking the right questions, as you are...
What blows my mind over and over is the UNquestioning compliance of the masses. Clearly, the brainwashing propaganda is so successful (no wonder, due to the tools at the disposal of the abusive control system and its flunkies) that many are no longer capable of critical thought. What I see here in the UK is a lot of incensed people who are pissed that their 'rulers' broke the rules when they, themselves, adhered to them at who-knows-what cost... But they are spectacularly unable to go the step further necessary to realise that 'The No.10 Xmas Party Scandal' is all the evidence one could ever need to prove that the partygoers WERE NOT AFRAID of 'convid' - at the exact same time they were purposefully and relentlessly terrorising the public into being afraid to the point of surrendering control of their lives, liberty and decision-making process! Despite knowing WHY this is so, it's still astounding to see the denial/cognitive dissonance/doublethink taking over the minds of so many...
Left and right are two sides of the same authoritarian coin - two wings of the same bird. The day we break free as a species of the illusion that we need these psychopathic, parasitic racketeers will be the day we rise above them all and finally live free of bondage. I hope I love to see it.
Much love,