WARNING: To Democrat Voters

in #politics6 years ago

If you are a democrat, I feel so sorry for you.

In the upcoming presidential election, if you vote for a democrat, and if you are "successful" by getting a democrat elected, then you've pretty much sealed the fate of your children, and their children... and maybe another generation or two beyond that.

As someone in their 60s, much of my life is already in the past. I was lucky enough to have lived in a time and place when and where there were great opportunities, and having reached most of my goals, the future direction of our country will likely not make a huge difference to me, at this point.

So if you've been brainwashed enough by the democrat leadership and Fake News to vote for a democrat, and if your party wins, then you would have successfully played your part for the democrat mob, as (what they call you) a useful idiot.

You would have elected a GLOBAL SOCIALIST OPEN-BORDERS PARTY, who plan to plunder the United States, and to destroy our history, heritage and culture. Actually, they've already been plundering and destroying the United States for many years. You might just not have noticed it yet.

It is understandable how you democrats have fallen into their trap.

Years ago, the democrat party seemed to have good intentions and their objectives seemed to be moral. However, the democrat party has morphed into a real nasty and disgusting anti-American criminal organization.

Their methods are clear to see, if you listen to them and can think for yourselves. It's called DIVIDE AND CONQUER. They tell gays that republicans hate them. So some gays will vote for the democrat. They tell Latinos that republicans hate "brown people." They tell women that republicans don't respect them or don't care if they are not paid fairly in the workplace. They tell blacks that republicans are racists. They tell people that republicans don't care if the water or air is polluted. And on and on and on it goes. Non-stop. 24 / 7. These democrats are truly fucking sick to their core!

I've found that talking to a democrat voter or supporter is like talking to a brick wall. The conversation goes nowhere good. And when they can't defend what they believe, they'll dissolve any good relationship that they may have had with you. I've seen it way too many times. Family members, friends, co-workers. Doesn't matter.

Go ahead and keep believing the Fake News. Orange Man Bad! Republicans Bad! Socialism Good!

I almost don't care anymore. So, if you don't care what happens in the future to your children, your grand children, and generations beyond, then go ahead and continue to be a total, ignorant retard and vote for a democrat.

If you get your democrat president in 2020, you will have sealed the fate of our country for generations. Your children, their children, and great-grandchildren beyond, will pay the price for your stupidity. They will be in poverty. They will be looking for help. They will be dependent. They will be desperate. But by then, I'll be dead and buried, so it won't really matter to me.


The sky is falling!

No, the sky isn't falling. It's just society.