
This video is very long , im not trying to be rude but if you could write more or upload smaller videos like in chapters or something that'd be awesome! I just can't sit here and watch this whole thing :) but i will come back to it later.. I'm only about 20 mins into your video but i'm finding it hard to keep up with some stuff, do you have a facebook or twitter i can reach out to you on :) - Found your twitter in your other post, i want to talk with you if that's ok.???

This post isn't going away - so feel free to watch in segments!

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Shit, I have missed that post. It would have been fun to trash those muppets in comments. I have tons of aluminium foil at home :-)

There's 27 flags on this post and that is unmitigated bullshit. Just because you don't agree with the content of a post is no reason to flag it. Flagging is supposed to be used to combat spam or other posting abuses. It's not a moral outrage button. Jesus Christ this makes me mad.

A great piece

Abortion is not murder. A fetus is not a child. Just because you don't like my opinion doesn't give you the right to censor my speech. Remember, abortion is legal in America.

Women have the natural right to govern their own body. If that means they deem they aren't fit to be a parent and decide to get an abortion (which is nothing to take lightly), then so be it. It's not about "murdering" unborn fetuses; it's about giving women the right to make the call whether or not they want to carry and child, give birth to it, and raise it.

I don't think abortion should be taken lightly but it does have its place in society. What if you're raped? Do you really want to go through the trauma of childbirth carrying your rapist's offspring? What if you have 3 kids and you live under the poverty line already? Is it worth it to have a 4th child that you cannot financially support, which would also detract from the resources available to the pre-existing 3?

Sure, abortion can be tragic, but it can also be necessary given specific scenarios, and I don't think it's fair to berate women who need to go through this process by classifying them as "disgusting murderers", or "monsters".

Old white men in political positions should not be making the call on what a woman can or cannot do with her own body.

Should donating blood be mandatory instead of voluntary? Should anyone healthy be obligated to donate a kidney or bone marrow to save the life of another?

Nope, that's an aborted fetus. She's fighting to protect women's reproductive rights.

I heard there are health benefits to consume. But also recommend donating to stem cell research.

Satanists are people like everyone else, and can choose to dress however they like. I don't know anyone who associates with, or condones child sacrifice - that is completely absurd. You'll have to check with the Catholic church if you want information about a group that rapes children...

Can you provide substantiated proof that Satanists actually do those things (not "Satanic Panic" media manipulation)? I think that whole thing is just another form of "reefer madness" hysteria, demonizing a minority sub-culture.

Why do you care what people look like and choose to wear anyways? Isn't that their own freedom and choice?

"Destroy" their protest? I think you mean "counter-protest." Anyways, that's a really shitty thing to say to someone who you've never met. Jex is a really awesome person, you'd know that if you actually met her instead of judging her character based on her work and religious affiliation.