There has been science fiction about this since the Golden Age (1930s-1940s). People turned into zombies and triggered hypnotically by certain words, tones, whistles, phrases. In the 1960s the concept turned into rioting crowds triggered by demagogues, and controlled by substances from the Far East, like heroin, cocaine, etc. The concepts grew, changed, and were re-emphasized every so many years with The Manchurian Candidate, governmental brainwashing, individual "sleeper" assassins, moles, etc. We were told as the masses that it was possible to make a person, any person, compartmentalized and controlled by dark, shadowy handlers, set to explode into terrorism on command.
But instead of special agents, we have a watered-down version of the common people of a nation being soft-controlled for regime change. Memes like viruses among the population. Not "Robocop", where hidden commands can shut a person down at any time, but Hitler-like speeches that motivate millions to self-sacrifice beyond understanding.
What's the deprogramming procedure? Who can cut through all the controlled mass media to calm people down? Military training teaches that you can only keep people at "maximum readiness" for so long before you get fatigue and mistakes. You have to rotate people from readiness to rest and back. So if people are being stirred up to climax, there must be a reason. The Powers That Be are very, very good at diverting emotions from one subject to another, sometimes in hours. Where's the goal, the event?