
Creepy, but I feel I don't want to know, I have enough of my own shit already...

thank you for your insight. yes, they are about numbers many times. and, imho, i prefer to be aware of goings on. upvoting and following.

Remember this 38 Is something put into media pointing at London, could be March 8th orAugust 3rd of this year, which would make a lot of sense looking at the financial market and geo politics. 9/11 and 7/7 were about the date, not the year, I don't think these events are planned for a particular year necessarily. They use these events when they need to push their agenda, so be vigilant about these events, spread the Information to warn people.

"The lodge was founded In 1717, there were 17 fatalities In the report and they reported 17 critically Injured, 24 stories In the tower and the fire brigade took 24 hours to get the fire under control. Many people will just dismiss these sorts of numbers, as being coincidence"

Pointing out these sorts of facts and trying to make connections is utter nonsense. What are you doing?

These numbers are put In to the reports deliberately like the Manchester Arena attack where on the 22nd May at 22:33 at 2.2 longitude coordinates a bomber aged 22, killed 22 people. 22 Is the master builder number In Freemasonry, the odds of this happening by chance are so astronomical that logic dictates this Is done deliberately.