On July 10th, 2016, Democratic National Committee ( DNC ) staffer Seth Rich was shot twice, In the back, near his home In north west Washington's, Bloomingdale neighborhood. The 27-year-old Rich had been employed, by the DNC, to work on a computer program to assist voters to more easily get to the polls. This, likely, political assassination occurred right In the middle of the US presidential race.
Responding to reports of multiple gunshots, patrolling police found Seth Rich lying In the street and bleeding at 4:19am. Seth Rich was conscious when the police got to where he had been shot. George Webb, who has thoroughly documented the night of the Incident, has found that It Is unusual that Seth's Injuries would have resulted In his death. He later died In hospital and there Is strong circumstantial evidence, to suggest, that he was left to die In a private room. He was pronounced dead at a local hospital at 5:57am.
Despite, supposedly, being the victim of an attempted 'robbery', none of Rich's possessions were taken and his wallet, ( containing his credit cards ) cell phone and a very expensive necklace were found on his person. Seth Rich's father, Joel Rich, In a statement stated " If It was a robbery, It failed because he still had his money, he still had his credit cards, still had his phone, so It was a wasted effort, except we lost a life."
There have been multiple rewards offered, by various groups and Individuals, for Information leading to a conviction for the murder of Seth Rich. Including Wikileaks ( $20,000 ) Washington Metropolitan Police Department ( $25,000 ) and Republican lobbyist Jack Burkman ( $130,000 ).
In August 2016, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, strongly, Implied that Seth Rich was the source of the DNC leak In an Interview:
Julian Assange: "Whistle-blowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks. As a 27-year-old works for the DNC, was shot In the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons, as he was walking down the street In Washington."
Reporter: "That was just a robbery, I believe, wasn't It?"
Julian Assange: "No. There's no finding. So..."
Reporter: "What are you suggesting?"
Julian Assange: "I'm suggesting that our sources take risks and they become concerned to see things occurring like that."
Reporter: "Was he one of your sources then?"
Julian Assange: "We don't comment on who our sources are."
Reporter: "But why make the suggestion about a young guy being shot In the streets of Washington."
Julian Assange: "Because we have to understand how high the stakes are, In the United States, our sources take serious risks that Is why they come to us, so we can protect their anonymity..."
Reporter: "It's quite something to suggest a murder, that's basically what you're doing."
Julian Assange: "Well others have suggested that, we are Investigating to understand what happened, In that situation with Seth Rich, I think It Is a concerning situation, there Is not a conclusion yet, we wouldn't be willing to say a conclusion, but we are concerned about It. More Importantly, a variety of Wikileaks sources are concerned when that kind of thing happens."
Wikileaks has a policy of keeping their sources anonymous, so Julian Assange, gave as strong a hint as he possibly could that Seth Rich was the leaker of the 44,000+ DNC emails.
On May 15th, 2017, private Investigator, Rod Wheeler stated:
"The police department nor the FBI have been forthcoming. They haven't been cooperating at all. I believe that the answer to solving his death lies on that computer, which I believe Is either at the police department or either at the FBI. I have been told both. I have a source Inside the police department, that has looked at me straight In the eye and said, 'Rod, we were told to stand down on this case and I can't share any Information with you. Now that Is highly unusual for a murder Investigation, especially from a police department. Again, I don't think It comes from the chief's office, but I do believe there Is a correlation between the mayor's office and the DNC and that Is Information that will come out."
Rob Wheeler confirmed to a reporter that there Is Information linking Seth Rich to Wikileaks.
The family spokesperson Brad Baumann Is a, DNC employee, professional Democrat, crisis PR consultant with the Pastorum Group, this guys on RT talking about Trumps Impeachment. So this represents a major conflict of Interests, when the DNC Is heavily linked to this case. This guy Is, very obviously, covering up for the DNC and trying to sweep this obvious murder under the rug. The family seem to be under duress and It Is very likely they are being threatened, by thugs employed, by high level people at the DNC. This murder seems to be a smoking gun, pointing to massive corruption and multiple crime rings within Washington D.C.
Fox news has recently reported that Wheeler's comments have since been Independently corroborated by a federal Investigator. Fox News stated:
"An FBI forensic report of Rich's computer, generated within 96 hours after Rich's murder, showed he made contact with Wikieaks, through Gavin Macfayden, a former director of Wikileaks, who was living In London at the time the Federal source told Fox News. According to the federal source " I have seen and read the emails between Seth Rich and Wikileaks,' the federal Investigator told Fox News, confirming the Macfayden connection. He said the emails are In possession of the FBI, while the stalled case Is In the hands of the Washington Police Department. The federal Investigator who requested anonymity, said 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments between Democratic National Committee leaders, spanning from January 2015 through late May 2016, were transferred from Rich to Macfayden before May 21st.
It Is worth bringing attention to a, Wikieaks released, DNC email that John Podesta sent to Robby Mook on February 22nd, 2015:
"I'm definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker, whether or not we have any real basis for It."
There Is no doubt there has been a massive cover up regarding this case, much evidence Is either being withheld or has been destroyed by the conspirators. Washington D.C police routinely wear body cameras, along with the traffic camera footage and local business security cameras, none of this footage has been made available and may well have been already destroyed.
George Webb has done an outstanding article on this case, where he pieces together the series of events before, during and after Seth Rich's death. Based on his diligent research, he theorizes that Seth made monthly zipfiles of DNC emails, which he then sent on to different members of the Wikileaks team; Michael Ratner, Gavin Macfayden, John Jones and Craig Murray. Webb has estimated Rich's first attempts to relay the DNC files were Intercepted, by most likely the CIA. But he finally succeeded by handing off a thumb drive to Murray, who then gave the drive to Wikileaks. Three of the Wikileaks team; Ratner, Macfayden and Jones all have suspiciously died since then. Another person to be a victim of this corrupt Washington establishment was Shawn Lucas who died In suspicious circumstances, being found dead, on his bathroom floor, of a drug overdose. Shortly before his death, Lucas had visited the DNC headquarters, to serve the DNC with a class action lawsuit for fraud, this takes the death toll of people directly opposing the DNC, at that time, to five, two DNC staffers and three Wikileaks employees.
Quite Interesting how the CIA controlled Wikipedia has now labelled this obvious murder a conspiracy theory, but as Ron Paul recently stated, the CIA has no Interest In the Truth, just propagandizing an agenda. This case Is proof that Wikipedia Is just a propaganda machine for the, Cabal controlled, CIA.
On May 19th, 2017 the Russian Embassy UK, tweeted # Wikileaks Informer Seth Rich murdered In US but British MSM was so busy accusing Russian hackers to take notice.
This obvious murder Is linked directly to the DNC and Washington D.C, a cest pitt of child trafficking, pedophilia and corruption. The murder links Washington D.C, the military center of the Illuminati Cabal and all the evil that has multiplied In Washington D.C, over the last hundred years of Freemason, Rothschild, Vatican control, of the Deep State and Washington D.C.
If the murder of Seth Rich had anything to do with the leaked 44,000+ emails, the man took an unbelievable risk. There Is a lot of violence on the left, we have all seen this, with the loss of the election, with rioting on the streets, a very hair trigger and aggressive Ideology, communism mind set. We must honour the risk and courage taken by Seth Rich, to expose these criminals, by not letting this case go and fighting to expose this corruption. The reason why this Is so important, Is because not only would It potentially reveal the highest organized crime levels of corruption within the Democrats, but there's the growing knowledge that the powerful, politically connected people are above the law. You got a political and banking class that are way above the law. Royalty, the Rothschild's, political elites, aristocrats are not bound by the same laws as you and I are.
Here is a comprehensive Seth Rich piece with all the latest info, "Yes, the DNC had Seth Rich Murdered, Here is How I Know.":
I knew seth rich was the leaker... the day before DT got elected... but noone talked about it. till now... DT is a jew lover man, seth was rich the whole time