Last week, the president allegedly referred to certain nations as "shithole countries" while discussing economic policy. This has created a media backlash in which the comment has drawn the ire of the loudest people on the side of the morally presumptuous. "Clearly the president must be racist!"
This is just absurd. Calling a nation a "shithole" isn't in and of itself a racist comment. That would make about as much sense as calling an inconsiderate asshole who cuts you off in traffic a racist. But this is par for the course for those on the lunatic fringe of the left who believe that every innocent comment has deeper and darker (oops, I said "darker") racial undertones.
![elitist golfers.jpg](
The problem with this, is that the overuse of the word "racist" to describe anything that they don't agree with, has pretty much made the definition of the word completely irrelevant. If calling a nation a "shithole" is the main criteria to determine if you are racist, then I suppose anyone who would deem my apartment a "shithole" is also a racist. So take that ex-girlfriend! You're obviously a racist!
Let's try the dictionary definition of "racist" to get the official criteria. Shall we?
A person who believes a particular race is superior to others.
Of, relating to, or advocating racism.
Wow, that was pretty simple... Seems pretty clear cut to me. So evidently my ex-girlfriend isn't a racist after all. She must just be a person who can't stand a guy who doesn't fold laundry and treats his entire bedroom like a closet. Fair enough... My point is, when you overuse any word to describe something that doesn't even remotely fit the the accurate definition, you end up getting stupid shit like this...