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RE: Trump Will NEVER Be MY President! Active Resistance!

in #politics9 years ago (edited)

He's just parroting what he heard on the Mainstream media. Sadly, nobody on the left seems to have an original opinion... All they seem to be able to produce are BS straw man arguments, playing of the victim card and character assassinations like: racist, bigot, homophobe, islamophobe, transphobe etc. etc. (those last 3 were underlined in red because THEY'RE NOT REAL THINGS!!!!) A phobia means you're scared of something, I'm pretty damn sure nobody is afraid of being straight-bashed, I don't even think that's a thing! Trannies on the other hand... Most of the men trying to change to women were the biggest pricks ever as men and I guess just had it in their heads that they could get away with being massive assholes if they played the tranny card... Bruce Jenner: Asshole and murderer. "Zoe" Tur: Massive asshole!!! My friend's "father": Massive dickhead!! I'm sure the list goes on and on and on!


I am enjoying your logic and reason. you have a new sub. 8D

I knew you would come...I've carefully baited my trap, and every time, I will snag at least ONE of you! You basically think you OWN this platform...and everything said that DOES NOT fit your bill of service, you blame the 'media' for it...Me parrot?...I've heard your argument so many times that I can scribe it off verbatim! That's because all of YOU read off the same basic script...then you call me 'unoriginal'...and then you top it off with a diatribe of phobias...along with transgender bullSh!t that goes off on a tangent so obtuse it's flapping in the breeze!...Like I said EVERY TIME!