The problem is decline from Christian values, family values, traditional values, heritages, objectivity, the ten commandments, the golden rule, and all of those things that have been passed on for thousands of years. Trump is trying to help with lowering taxes, regulations, problems, unemployment, and everything, while facing Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Clinton, Obama, the NWO, the UN, corporatism, technocracy, plutocracy, the swamp, and everything. Together, we make the world better through Bitcoin, Steemit, Minds, Gab, blockchain, cryptocurrency, Ubuntu, Firefox, decentralization, open source, through capitalism, competition, discussions, less taxes, more freedoms, and more.
I'm an Oregonian, born in 1985, and just got back on Thanksgiving 2017 from teaching in Vietnam for five years. So, I've been observing the USA from out in Asia. People need to do their best to do whatever they can to help. Don't just complain. When it comes to voting, people can vote for those people who support American values, if they want, as opposed to the values of globalism, communism, socialism, collectivism, and everything, and that may or may not be Trump and/or other people. But we all must remind people that it is not simply and merely about Trump or this person or that person or country or thing or whatever. What is happening in the USA, and the potential there, is bigger than Trump. Sadly, most of USA gov, including in the Trump cabinet, are not Make America Great people, patriots. Most of the people in the gov are Obama people and other shadow members and more. They don't do what Trump wants them to do. We live in an info war.
Very interesting perspective. I appreciate you taking the time to read and share your thoughts!