Have you read the latest statement from the UN that says we only got 12 years to limit climate change? Well I'm here to tell you that it's all propaganda to serve a greater agenda which is about governments creating carbon taxes to fuel global programs like Agenda 21 / 2030 to get total control over natural resources and human activity.
Here are a list of reasons to why the political topic of climate change is a fraud from start to finish, I encourage people to check it out before dismissing it out of hand. It's from journalists, researchers, politicians and climate scientists which include documents and leaked emails.
Note: Nobody is denying climate change or various environmental issues, what is being denied is that mankind is the cause, driver and contributor to climate change because of CO2 emissions.
Note: This is a living article meaning that it will be constantly updated with more sources of information.
"Uh oh. Top (former) UN Climate officials (Costa Rican diplomats with no scientific background) are “calculating” that if we don’t stop emitting carbon dioxide by 2020 the earth is doomed! That’s right: three years left to save the planet! Or is that 50 days? 96 months? Or were we doomed 5 years ago? Or was that 17 years ago? 4 days from now?…"
"Karl Popper famously said, “A theory that explains everything explains nothing.” So what do you make of the theory that catastrophic manmade CO2-driven “climate change” can account for harsher winters and lighter winters, more snow and less snow, droughts and floods, more hurricanes and less hurricanes, more rain and less rain, more malaria and less malaria, saltier seas and less salty seas, Antarctica ice melting and Antarctic ice gaining and dozens of other contradictions? Popper gave a name to “theories” like this: pseudoscience."
"Retired climatologist Dr. Tim Ball joins us to discuss the significance of the recently leaked emails and documents from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University which expose deceit, duplicity and collusion between climate researchers to maintain the fraud of the manmade global warming theory. These emails reveal stunning behind-the-scenes details about how this fraud has been developed and perpetuated, and Dr. Ball shares his insights on what they show."
"This is not a call for complacency. In fact, now that the public is more skeptical than ever about the climategaters and others of their ilk, the danger of binding international agreements enacted by unelected institutions and empowering global taxation is at an all-time high. They are hoping to ram through an agreement that will put the final nail in the coffin of climate realism before the corpse of the global warming hoax even has the chance to rot. We have to speak out against this fraud now, and more loudly than ever. We must make our voices heard when we assert that science is about honesty, about openness, about the search for the truth, and that those who reject those principles will no longer be heeded by a public that has been stretched long past the point of credulity."
"The IPCC has released its latest assessment of the state of climate science, and this time it’s even more dire than their 2007 assessment. Global warming is “unequivocal” and humans are the “dominant cause” to a certainty of 95%. But how are these uncertainties calculated? And how does the IPCC process work anyway? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we dissect the latest IPCC hype and examine the organizations processes and conclusions."
"Maurice Strong may be dead, but unfortunately his legacy isn’t. Join James for today’s thought of the day as we break down the extraordinarily improbably life and times of the 14 year old dropout from Manitoba who became one of the 20th century’s key globalist supergophers and the father of the IPCC."
"The average global temperature is…impossible to measure and harder to calculate than you might think. While GISS and RSS and UAH and GHCN might be a confusing jumble of letters to most people, there are people pushing for global taxes, global courts and individual carbon budgets based on these data sets. So let’s roll up our sleeves and take a look at the concept of “average global temperature.”"
"Fact: the RSS global mean temperature anomaly dataset shows a least-squares linear regression trend of 0.0C from February 1997 to October 2015. But what does this really mean? And what is the significance of this global warming pause? Join me in today’s Thought For The Day as we explore this question."
"Don’t you hate when Fox News and the other MSM spin-meisters use simple tricks to skew and misrepresent data and statistics? How about when the World Meteorological Organization does it? Or NASA? Or the Journal of Climate? Or GISS? Join James for today’s thought for the day as he shows you some of the grade school level parlour tricks the global warming alarmists use to misrepresent their data and bamboozle the public."
"David Icke talks about The Climate Change Scam, What its really all about? The David Icke Videocast"
"Dr. Judith Curry, climate scientist and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech, joins us once again today to discuss her comprehensive new report, “Climate Models for the layman.” We discuss the history and purpose of climate modeling, their uncertainties, equilibrium climate sensitivity, and what we can or cannot learn from their study."
"Dr. Judith Curry is Professor and former Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Following is her verbal remarks as delivered to last week’s US Senate Commerce Committee Hearing on “Data or Dogma? Promoting Open Inquiry in the Debate Over the Magnitude of the Human Impact on Earth’s Climate.”"
"Dr. Judith Curry is a climatologist and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology who went from the “high priestess of global warming” to a “climate heretic” after realizing she had been duped by the IPCC. Today she joins us to talk about her recent breakdown of Michael Polanyi’s 1962 article “The Republic of Science.” Topics discussed include the science/policy nexus, the breakdown of the old norms of scientific research, and how the internet is helping to revolutionize science."
"Jim Steele was the Director of the Sierra Nevada Field Campus of San Francisco State University from 1985 to 2009. Having taught courses on plants, natural sciences, bird banding and bird identification, his research into the causes of the declines in local bird populations led him to the understanding that natural climate cycles and landscape changes were causing disruptions of wildlife populations. He went on to author a book, Landscapes & Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism, and a website, LandscapesAndCycles.net where he explores how faulty, over-hyped C02-driven climate change fears are misdirecting environmental researchers and activists away from the true cause of environmental disruption."
"Who controls the temperature datasets controls the past, and who controls the past controls the future. Welcome to the Orwellian world of temperature adjustments and climate alarmism. Sit up straight and buckle up tight, because this is consensus science as brought to you by Big Brother."
"Oil. The 19th century was transformed by it. The 20th century was shaped by it. And the 21st century is moving beyond it. But who gave birth to the oil industry? What have they done with the immense wealth and power that it has granted them? And what are they planning to do with that power in a post-carbon world? This is the remarkable true story of the oiligarchs and the world they have created."
"Previously on The Corbett Report we discussed the technocratic agenda of the Trilaterals and their globalist ilk with “Technocracy Rising” author Patrick Wood. Today Wood joins us once again to discuss the upcoming COP21 Climate Conference in Paris and how it plays into the technocrats’ plan to control the world’s resources and implement genocidal eugenics-based austerity."
"James Corbett joins Dave of X22 Report to talk about the global warming narrative and its carbon ration end game. Topics discussed include the global average temperature construction, the carbon ration control grid, and the economics of technocracy."
"As predicted, the IPCC has released their hot air report on 1.5C of global warming and the lamestream fake news lying establishment lapdog media is hyping it as the end of the world as we know it…unless you pay the globalists more money to atone for your carbon sins, of course. This week on #PropagandaWatch James breaks down the latest propaganda push for carbon eugenics and what it means for the coming technocratic slave state."
"The Great Global Warming Swindle caused controversy in the UK when it premiered March 8, 2007 on British Channel 4. A documentary, by British television producer Martin Durkin, which argues against the virtually unchallenged consensus that global warming is man-made. A statement from the makers of this film asserts that the scientific theory of anthropogenic global warming could very well be "the biggest scam of modern times." According to Martin Durkin the chief cause of climate change is not human activity but changes in radiation from the sun. Some have called The Great Global Warming Swindle the definitive retort to Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Using a comprehensive range of evidence it's claimed that warming over the past 300 years represents a natural recovery from a 'little ice age'."
"Having debated people like Elizabeth May, Dr. Ball is a wealth of information on the subject. He debunks the 97% consensus which he points out, if there's a consensus it's not science. This all goes back to the United Nations, the IPCC and The Club of Rome with Maurice Strong, Gro Harlem Brundtland and others plotting to restrict industry, create a problem, a reaction and a solution and force the populace into complete dependency which we are seeing today with the green agenda. Of course government is the world's biggest polluter and they have the nerve to tell us how to live with crippling taxes and regulation with very little to no understanding of the ramifications and real world problems."
"This detailed presentation clearly explains the connection between sustainable development and Agenda 21 as defined by the UN. In depth research shows how Agenda 21 will ultimately compromise your property rights. "
"As an integral decade in this ongoing “Age of Transitions,” the 1970s brought with it previously unimagined sociopolitical and economic shifts. Deflation was prevalent. The decade also saw the rise of the Petrodollar and the end of the gold-backed Bretton Woods era, as well as the seeding of eugenic “environmental catastrophe” memes propagated by works like the Club of Rome’s 1972 publication, Limits to Growth, or John P. Holdren’s equally Neomalthusian and lauded Ecoscience. It also saw the birth of the Trilateral Commission, co-founded by David Rockefeller and Zbignew Brzezinski in 1973, who, among other things, pushed forth the concept of a “New International Economic Order” to quell the world’s ailing economic and environmental “doom and gloom” forecasts."
For decades now, we have been told to be afraid of the long-term effects of manmade carbon dioxide on our climate. Seemingly every day some new storm, drought, warm spell or cold snap is featured on the news, with government-funded scientists warning us that this is a sign of things to come unless the world reduces its CO2 production.
The problem, of course, is that this is a third-rate scientific hoax propagated on the strength of the public’s ignorance of the underlying science, or lack thereof. The models and predictions used to scare the public into believing that CO2 is driving climate and will continue to do so in an increasingly dangerous fashion share the distinction of being universally wrong in their predictions of trends over the past 15 years, yet we are still asked to believe in the long-term validity of these same falsified models.
Please support and check out the other work of James Corbett at https://corbettreport.com/
Related article: The problem with environmentalist and green movements
Published on July 4, 2017
Published on Mar 6, 2018
30.000+ scientists against the idea of man made global warming.
Published on Jul 22, 2014
Published on Jan 10, 2015
Published on Feb 8, 2017
Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data
At page 75 of the report or page 86 of the PDF.
More reports by the Club of Rome at https://www.clubofrome.org/activities/reports/
Published on Jan 26, 2018
Published on Feb 10, 2019
Published on Dec 11 & Dec 16, 2018
Published February 27th, 2019
Published Mar 11, 2007
Published on Mars 7, 2019
Published on March 3, 2019
Published March 11, 2019
Yes there is man made climate change going on, I am 100% sure of it but not because of CO2 but because of manipulated observational data.
Larger picture
1990 IPCC report
2001 IPCC report
Published on May 28, 2019
Published on Jun 5, 2019
Published between May 19-Jul 22, 2019
Published on Jun 24, 2019
Published on Jul 15, 2019
Published on Dec 10, 2015
Published on Sep 22, 2014
Published on Aug 2, 2019
Published on Aug 13, 2019
Published on Aug 12, 2019
Published on Aug 28, 2019
Published on Aug 24, 2019
Published on Aug 25, 2019
Published on Sep 20, 2019
Published on Sep 27, 2019
Report: CO₂ Reduction’ Is a Mass Murder Policy
Published on Oct 4, 2019
Published on Mar, 2010
Published on Jun 19, 2010
Climate, a counter-current petition
500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’
Published on Oct 9, 2019
Published on Oct 9, 2019
Published on Oct 14, 2019
Published on Oct 16, 2019
Published on Oct 29, 2018
Published on 2005
Published Oct 31, 2019
Published 6 Nov, 2019
Here is the list of signatories
Link for larger picture
Published on Nov 26, 2019
Published on Sep 26, 2019
Published on Dec 6, 2019
Published on Dec 9, 2019
Published on Dec 18, 2019
Published on January 26, 2020
Published on Feb 4, 2020
Published on Feb 5, 2020