I understand your point, but I have to disagree in some parts. I have to first claim that this is in fact a system that can be changed for something better. But what I don't agree with is that somehow I can read underlines that you are suggesting a change into a precious metal based system.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
But in case that is indeed what you are suggesting, let me tell you the amount of gold, silver and copper is finite and not enough to sustain all the worforce a country like the USA has, let alone the whole world.
Just take for instance the technology industry we have nowadays. It would just not be possible today if it weren't for the current system.
Because it is not true that a currency like the dollar is merely based on trust (althouh it is true that it's its biggest value) because that trust is based on what the country has to offer. Technology, its workforce, military, power, all of those factors sustain in a way the value it pocesses.
Could its value crush over night? Absolutely!
So far it has endured over time, but no one knows for sure if it will forever. But claiming that it is unsustainable might just be too much.
Btw, I much prefer having corporations controlling the currency and not the state. States can be currupted, and change their whole vision of a country's future at any given time. That's one of the biggest reasons my country, Venezuela, is going through such a hard time. The government controls pretty much everything, and only acts in order to remain in power.
Good explaination, though!
Everything has got a fault. It depends on where one stands. You made valid points though, i like your argument especially the one between the states and corporations..
Everything has got a fault. So true. And expressing our thoughts like we are doing here through reason, is what makes us improve those faults.
But what I don't agree with is that somehow I can read underlines that you are suggesting a change into a precious metal based system. - No bro, im not suggesting a change on acient metal based system. I just wanted to make a comparison. To be honest i think that military is the fundamental base for dollars value, along with CIA and NSA. I know it sounds crazy but if we take a look on their modus operandi it becomes more clear on how do they get the job done. Appreciate your time man :)
No counter argument on that one. You speak the truth in that comment.
I think it is necessary to somehow criticize the system to see how we can make it better, either by changing it or just tying up some loose ends.
Can crypto-currency do any better? I think so. Although the problem of instabily will probably remain there.
I just believe a system of reward for hard, smart and quality work should prevail. Not one where you could plot with some powerful ones to control everything, nor where depending on the state is promoted.
Maybe in the end the problem is not necessarily the system, but the men who run it ;)
Maybe in the end the problem is not necessarily the system, but the men who run it -Yep, fucking greed... :)
The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, Christ said. That's where greed comes from and it lies in the heart of the rich & the poor; some rich people who don't want others to have anything and hoard, and some poor people who want what everyone else has and demands it be redistributed. Welfare helps the rich & the poor, and the middle class are forgotten about.
I just think that our true nature is a real problem here, among with greed. Money is enslavement tool that rich use against us. It will take a whole millenium untill we reach high degree civilization.