Feeling paranoid 😰

in #politics • 6 years ago

Folks, I just gotta share some honest feelings I'm having right now. 😣

Everyone in the Syracuse area knows about the shooting that happened at Chilis last week. I'm sure you'd think that was the LAST place you'd expect a shooting to happen! Who would've thought it would happen at a RESTAURANT?
And just yesterday when I went to my job to get some ice cream, I was told that new rules were made due to the shooting. We have to have an escort to our car when we're done working, from what I understand. We can't walk out alone and one has to stay with the manager until he/she is ready to go.

And it's not just with the shootings, it's also how everything has become nowadays. We're a divided nation. We're divided by skin color, political and religious beliefs, and we can no longer share our own opinions about anything anymore. It seems everyone is making judgments based on their feelings instead of common sense. People get easily offended at something that's usually not supposed to be offensive. We can no longer agree to disagree.
People get divided over political issues. I've seen breakups and friendships fall apart based on who stands or opposes Trump. I've seen an article where Trump supporters weren't allowed to drink at a bar or something like it. The worst part I've seen (and it's a video) was a mother kicking out her own toddler because he voted for Trump in a MOCK election at school! She didn't care about him going to school, where he slept, what he ate, etc.! She wasn't gonna have a "Trump lover" in her house, even if it was her own flesh and blood! 😖
And the worst part is there are people who applaud that!! People applaud diversity! They wanna feel like they're winning! They're making us choose sides instead of standing united and hoping for the greater good!

I literally feel like I'm living in a war zone!!! I feel like I'm living, breathing, going to bed, and waking up in a battlefield! It feels like I have to always have my guard up and look out for danger! Even a stranger walking up to me feels like an enemy approaching and wanting to kill me! 😰

I have to come to the conclusion that we are no longer the "USA"; we are the "DSA" - Divided States of America. We are NOT a "great" country. Is everything that's happening in America right now an example of how a "great country" operates? People are even basing their entire existence and worth and value on electronic devices!
We are not the "United" States; we're just "the states".

Everything I shared is coming straight from my heart of what I feel about things. It's a very sad state of what America has become. 😢☠

I'm gonna end with this and I believe this with ALL my heart:

WE are the ones to blame for this downfall, not Trump!!


Reality bites!

It sucks too!

Another shooting, I just can't. ._.

I know. It's awful!