Mega Info Dump

in #politicslast year (edited)


This blog is inspired by Christopher Pollini's book Eldest, Psam Frank, and the traditional Greek games of old.

I know some of this will remind you of the hunger games, or of communism.
I promise it is neither.
This system is my vision for a replacement of the united nations, which has failed in its stated mission.

Named using Phonetic Greek, I call this system

"To Neospanetho Agones" (the New International Games)

Yearly Competitions:

Isthmian (Philosophy)
Nemean (Athletics)
Pythian (Drama)
Kosmosean (Cosmetology)
Athenaen (Invention)
Scholastian (Education)
Prosomoean (Simulation)
Victors are declared by scores given by non-participants who opt-in worldwide, with the votes weighted against population size (larger populations have less vote power per opt-in than smaller populations)
Every nation puts in 10% of their total GDP to the victory fund
1st place gets 20% of the fund
2nd place gets 12% of the fund
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th get 5% of the fund
8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th each get 3%
17th-30th each get 1%

"Psífisma Agones" (Wargames)

May be declared alongside a list of demands and concessions do to any of the following:

Refusal to trade vital resources,
Political faux pas,
Tyrannical Behaviors,
Oppressive behaviors
The Defender:

must issue a counter-demand
accept concession terms
declining a "Pedía Máchis" or refusal to participate will issue a world-wide embargo by "To Neospanetho" until they agree to the terms.
The Declarer of the "Psífisma Agones":
must choose 3 "Pedía Máchis" (Battlegrounds)
Votes are counted the same way as the "To Neospanetho Agones" and are the final word on the matter.
the possible "Pedía Máchis" categories are:

Isthmian (Philosophy)
Nemean (Athletics)
Pythian (Drama)
Kosmosean (Cosmetology)
Athenaen (Invention)
Scholastian (Education)
Prosomoean (Simulation)
Failure to Fulfil Concession terms results in an Embargo from "To Neospanetho" until the debt is paid.

“To Synkomidí Agones” (the Harvest Games)

nations may choose one "Pedía Máchis" from the following options:

and are judged by any/all of the following criteria according the terms and conditions of the Games:

Votes are counted the same way as the "To Neospanetho Agones" and are the final word on the matter.

the resources gathered are divided proportionally to the yearly "To Neospanetho Agones" and any number of nations can participate in these non-mandatory activities.

Failure to accurately calculate and quickly relinquished the 10% yield to the victory fund will result in an embargo by "To Neospanetho" until it is relinquished.

Here are some definitions of how the political system may be organized:

Interactive Electoral System (IES):

one vote, cast for any candidate at any time, able to be changed to any other candidate any time after that, with no deadline.

Interactive Policy System (IPS):

one vote, cast by yourself or by any Official Proxy Candidate at any time, which can be changed at any time after that, with no deadline.

Guaranteed Term of Office (GTO):

The Proxy with the most votes becomes the High Proxy (president/prime minister) only after they have secured the most votes for a 3-month period.

  • If the current High Proxy secures more votes than the incumbent their GTO resets,

  • If any Secondary Proxy (has some of the votes but not enough to win) secures more votes than the incumbent, the High Proxies GTO resets to 3 months.

High Proxy (HP):

Has 2 Veto votes per proposal as well as 2 delay votes and 1 dismissal vote.

  • Vetos delay voting for 1 month. The matter can still be discussed

  • Delay votes delay the vote for 3 months. The matter can still be discussed

  • Dismissal votes take the proposal off the table for a month, during which time he matter cannot be discussed.

  • After a month it can be reexamined. Reexamined proposals cannot be dismissed again.

These are useful when the population or the leadership (Prime, Secondary, and Minor Proxies) believe they need to have more information to decide on a matter.

Secondary Proxy (SP) (16% - 49% votes):

Has 1 veto vote and 1 delay vote per proposal.

Minority Proxy (MP) (15% - 0.75 votes):

Has 1 veto vote per proposal.

Representative Proxy (RP):

representatives may be installed by communities which have the sole voting power on matters involving their community specifically. These have 2 delay votes per proposal

Household Proxy:

The parents of a household each get 1 proxy vote per child, which can be used to vote on proposals. Household Proxy Votes do not stack, and can be used individually or given to an Official Proxy

To Neospanetho judicial process for Pan-Etho hearings

usable in smaller courts as well.

a) A complainant nation informs a judicial panel chair nation that another member, who shall be known as defendant nation, has allegedly acted inconsistently with TO NEOSPANETHO principles.

b) If the judicial panel chair nation believes that the alleged action or situation, if it was to occur or exist, could indeed be construed as a contravention of TO NEOSPANETHO AGONES principles, then the chair nation calls a hearing and informs the Chief of Justice.

c) The Chief of Justice may assign a different judicial panel chair nation to preside over the hearing, the most important consideration being that neither the complainant nor defendant nation has any reasonable grounds to view the chair nation to have any bias toward either party.

d) The defendant nation has the opportunity to have the hearing discontinued if the allegation is vexatious, scandalous, frivolous, or an abuse of court process.
e) The defendant nation chooses the size of the panel: 5, 7, or 9 members, including the chair nation .

f) The defendant nation and complainant nation each choose the same number of TO NEOSPANETHO members for the panel.
After all choices for panel members have been made, the defendant nation and complainant nation can each veto one of the other party’s choices.

g) The chair nation chooses an alternate panel member for each veto, subject to rules provided by the TO NEOSPANETHO Justice Committee.

h) The panel hears both sides, including all evidence, relevant laws, reasoning, and witness testimony provided by either party.
The panel must come to a decision supported by at least 2/3 of its members.

i) The panel chair nation must avoid voting on the final decision if at all possible unless there is absolutely no compromise possible, and the chair nation’s vote will achieve the 2/3 threshold for a decision, in which case the chair nation must, whenever possible, only offer to vote in favor of a compromise between different desired outcomes, rather than pick either desired outcome in its entirety.

These systems

would work alongside the To Neospanetho Agones to insure that the needs of the people of earth where met and heard, and solutions found as swiftly and reasonably as possible, with times of great peace calling for a smaller amounts of proxies, and times of chaos or crisis, the ability to have more voices heard while still being able to get things on both a local and global scale.
National borders will initially be the same as todays, with HP’s being able to negotiate a more equitable bordering over time and eventually all matters within the borders of any nation will be resolved by the votes of the HP, SP’s, MP’s, and RP’s collectively.

and now I'm going to present some new terms:

Dynamic Tactical Misdirection (DTM):

The process by which a Civilization uses Governments to divide a population in order to contain and control the population.

Antitranshumanist/m (ATH):

a person or idea which seeks resymbiosis of humanity and the natural order through the disillusion of the cult of civilization and concept of self and separation from the other.

Interactive Electoral System (IES):

one vote, cast for any candidate any time, change to any other candidate any time after that, no deadline

Interactive Legislation System (ILS):

one vote, cast for any motion, law, or decree, at any time, changeable at any time after that, no deadline

Tactical Voting (TV):

(USA version) republican party member change their party to democrat and vote for the weakest candidate in the race, and then change their party back to republican and vote for their candidate. this is the same for any party in the usa against any other.

Tactical Legislative Opposition (TLO):

Using tactics like Slogans, Trolling, Shock-and-Awe, Sarcasm, and Meme-like signs both written and printed, and online, and when given time to speak in government meetings.

Cheap Non-Violent Resistance(CNR):

Tactics that use no weapons and employ simple, commonly used products to actively resist and evade a corrupt group or nation.