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RE: My Problems With School

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

You should also read and/or watch videos by John Taylor Gatto who exposes the sham masquerading as 'education', From its inception it is an indoctrination designed to rather dumb people down and compartmentalize us.

It is a complete and utter failure. people with very expensive 'education' have allowed the nuclear industry and threaten all life on Earth because the stations are decaying!

They built nuclear stations in Japan, Fukushima, which was known for earthquakes!
THIS utterly disastrous ignoreance comes from people who calim to be highly educated!

Another example is the so-called 'war on drugs'.l ANYONE with any commonsense would have predicted what utter chaos this would bring. I mean look at the Prohibition of alcohol years. But no, 'highly educated' people all got around tables to impose this ongoing nightmare which suck vast amounts of money from the economy also, but causes so much destruction in communities.

These are just two very important examples of the utter failure of the enforced 'education' system (Just as a side note, I was never a classical music buff as a kid but LOVED the music piece played in this video--which I have never seen before. I also absolutely HATED school, from beginning to end. So this deep expose of the institution which I dreaded as a kid and this music chosen as the soundtrack is very meaningful to me):

John Taylor Gatto - The Purpose Of Schooling


This is inspiring:
'Learn Free' (an unschooling documentary)

I'll definitely check out the videos and I agree that the war on drugs is a complete failure. Finally lots of people are realizing this though which is cool