I did not use any language, that indicates that. This is a bold and unbackable claim. The only thing you criticized is me saying "fascism", while referring to the Ukraine issue. Not only, that I come to that conclusion, without Putin telling me that through his Ex-KGB agents, you were already admitting their fascism (and omitting any other points I made) and dismissing this with the notion, that they at least do not kill people (which they did). There was no other "language" that indicates, that I am being brainwashed by Russian propaganda, it's a baseless claim.
And please read again the part about making up my mind. I made up my mind about Russian actions. it will be >quite hard< to convince me otherwise. meaning there must be some great evidence shown.
thanks for the link, I already found the article.
Btw.: Whatever I find about Russia and Ukraine, or Georgia or killed dissidents, it is ridiculous to paint a picture of a Russian threat to Finland or any other country. That's a far bigger red flag pointing towards warmongering and propaganda, than anything I said, ever.