The following is a paraphrased conversation that I had with someone concerning which of our beloved presidential candidates is less fucked up:
"Ok, look: I know that Hillary Clinton is a scumbag and probably a criminal, but at the end of the day, I'd pick a predictable liar over an unpredictable idiot any day of the week."
"Trump may say a lot of stupid stuff, but he knows how to run an organization; business or government doesn't matter. The difference is he's not corrupt, and he's not owned by Wall Street. Doesn't that count for anything?
"Yes, Clinton's owned by special interests, but so has every other president in the past, and every congressman in the present. Let's be honest, Clinton will probably follow the general path of Obama which, say what you want about him, has not damaged the country in any meaningful way. And the whole "get shit done" thing worries me because Trump has said multiple anti-democratic things, like saying he wants to strengthen libel laws, use torture, and not allow Muslims into the country. This type of rhetoric makes it seem that Trump has no respect for the law, and intends to circumvent the other branches of government."
"Obama uses executive orders all the time, without any input from Congress, and nobody has a problem with that. Clinton will do the same thing, except she's much more hard-line when it comes to the Second Amendment, which was designed to protect us from tyranny. We don't want to follow the path of Obama."
"Clinton getting rid of the Second Amendment is a pretty big stretch. Trump's mouth is a much bigger threat to our national security than Clinton ever will be. Public relations is so important in dealing with other countries and their leaders. It takes finesse and experience, and Trump has neither."
"Hillary Clinton is already on bad terms with what is probably our greatest threat: Russia. I'm not saying that she wants a war, but Trump can smooth things over with them, Clinton's just going to make things worse."
"You're crazy if you think Putin isn't going to walk all over Trump. Putin's a master politician, Trump is a buffoon."
"At least he's not a liar."
"Except he is. Trump lies all the time, more so than Hillary. That is, when you can actually get him to talk about the real issues and his plans to fix them. And even when he does, his solutions are idiotic. Don't even get me started on the wall."
"Trump says things to get elected, just like any other president. He's not actually going to build a wall, Congress would never pay for it anyway. But that's irrelevant. The bottom line is, I can't stand the thought of having a straight criminal for a president. That's why I could never bring myself to vote for Hillary. Trump, despite his flaws, will shake up the establishment, if nothing else. Far from doing any damage, I think Trump's presence alone can do a lot of good. Trump being unafraid to speak his own mind is so necessary to fight against political correctness and the regressive left, which are far more of a danger to free speech than Trump wanting to strengthen libel laws."
"Maybe so, but as stupid as political correctness is, it doesn't really threaten our economy or our security. Trump threatens both. I can stand four more years of Obama, and as dishonest as she is, I can trust Clinton not to tear this country apart. What I can't stand is the thought of Trump's pudgy little fingers on the nuclear codes."
"I guess this is where we agree to disagree."
"I guess so, may the least worst win."
For the sake of all that is sacred, America, please dont elect Trump and inflict him on the rest of the world.
Boston Marathon
San Bernandino
Ft. Hood
All cases in which potential terrorists were known to security personnel, and in which PC prveneted action, leading to the murders of Americans.
In Austria, an invader raped a child, and PC set the rapist back out on the street.
Illegal immigration adds to the welfare load and to the unemployment rate. The amount of money remitted to the illegals' home countries is a direct loss to the economy.
PC kills people and economies