Project Splendor - Debrief - Part 2

in #politics3 months ago

Continued - Now with 10% Less Typos

  • Use a cigarette in with your tobacco left in room to assist with compulsive cigarettes to preserve rationing and reduce overheads
  • Swingers sound cool, but come with potential dangerous outcomes, health wise
  • You always need an equivalent of flash / thunder with whoever you travel with
  • In saying that, if your target is ever monitoring swingers, just get them drink and sleep with them, get them in that mindset during flirting and they will probably let slip what you need to know (someone else can test that theory)
  • The traditional honeypot tactic of "bang a drum" and "controvertial reactios" works just as well on sea as land, if not better it seems
  • If your devices are compromised, but your friends know your location you can still get a message throuh on an open channel from free wifi at bars and clubs in port, however , its totally naked so make sure its cryptic
  • Eco protesters should direct their time and energy into technology developments , that would affect more than cardboard signs, solar sails, kinetic energy capture, interior bounce lighting, wind, in combination these things may develop healthier cruise ships in time
  • Ships libraries are a great place to catch up on the news and contemplate philosophy
  • Cruise ships are best at night
  • Onboard entertainment is ... very varied, itemise things you want to do
  • If others are causing you distress, isolate and decompress, its not a sin to relax
  • The onboard shampoo is not as bad as it looks
  • Incidentally, modern cruise piping is designed thin, which is why your told not to put things down the toilet
  • I have not been able to establish where on this voyage but, logic dictates there must be other computers onboard for use to public? if not, barter with a passenger
  • Glare is legit, bring sunglasses
  • The only place onboard that has the music you probably want to listen to is you - bring headphones
  • Pack multiple charger cables,
  • If you dont shower, you will develop an odour, if your travelling with someone they can use that odour to follow you "in the fog" when you cant use GPS
  • Also Shower !
  • Yes there are ghosts and demons on the sea, dont piss them of
  • Once a ship is cursed you need a magician to cast banishing rituals on all areas to re-consecrate it
  • Discussing your bill on the ship is much better than afterwards, very easy to reconcile confusion, make sure all your affairs are in order before you check out, its easier while its all fresh and face to face avoids any issue of tone in writing

08/12/2024 at 3:07pm
"I will need a psychologist that is read in on the UAP issue, they will be the only ones who will be able to address what is real and what is not real

Which, i am very doubtful im going to find, so i shall need to meditate and work on myself as best i can, until such a time, i meet a military psychologist who can help me with those issues

Mental health is important

08/12/2024 at 5:30pm
"Reasonable addition, how many other world leaders, CEO's or otherwise have developed some sort of paranoia as a result of lack of UAP disclosure, i think we need it, to get rid of all the charlatans and confused people

How can we reconcile our mental illnesses without disclosure? we cant - we know something is out there, or otherwise and were passionate about it, but like a bad maths equation, we have to get rid of the wrong parts, the only ay that happens is disclosure,

Now that can be disclosure lite - if need be, but how many people on earth, have been confused by this ?

When you think about it that way, really changes the perspective i think, if you want people to not entertain the idea of "Crazy things" well, simple antidote is to tell the truth, the actual truth.

Or at least those are my thoughts at time of writing - always subject to change upon being presented with new information.

08/12/2024 at 11:42pm
"Love you cat, feels so nice to say after all these years"

09/12/2024 at 3:19pm
"Thats twice, girls, what does this mean i have pulled the sun twice now ? "

11/12/2024 at 8:02pm
"Honestly i would love to listen to the Australian National Anthem right now but - would be disrespectful to disrupt guests night - later,

God save the king,


12/12/2024 at 10:37am
"If you want this stuff to study i have no objection to that

simple misunderstanding

Thats all it was, a simple misunderstanding that spiraled out of control due to bad RSA Guidelines

She lied

Jilted lover, tale as old as time

no more, no less


This is silly at this point its just my personal effects

Its not my house, its dads house

And mums

Im just being respectful and genuinely trying to self medicate to heal my mind,



Simple misunderstanding

Laughter is useful in healing, and i have been a dickhead, no dispute so fair cop, however, i am genuinely scared

That is not embellishment, im utterly terrified right now


Im sorry i was a fuckwit, simple misunderstanding. "

12/12/2024 at 10:58am
"Good set, Will pace myself on the drinks"

12/12/2024 at 11:36am

Real or imagined if it is that important, would i not be scared?

And logically, i wouldnt just hand it to anyone that could be a national security issue

Not scared at the moment

Real or imagined it just feels like looking after the contents of this bag is very important

That honestly is from his uniform

I only have two left

I hope the RSL put it in the museum and i hope the police do to


If its nothing its nothing

If its real then im doing my thing



Real or imagined i believe in genetic memory

Dont know anything about it, but it seems possibly some merit to that

Or not

How would i know?


Sorry and i forgive you

Now i need to turn the phone off to conserve battery because im ironically a tight ass with money and CBF buying a new one


simple misunderstanding

Please stop scaring me, i understand why you did, no dispute - but i think at this point it unhelpful, i have zero idea who or what i got this silly theosophy thing from

I was walking through the park drunk waiting for my ex girlfriend to finish work

I then also seem to recall her getting annoyed because i went to see batman at town hall ... again, simple misunderstanding, im sure it happens all the time

Or not how would i know, logically, how ?

12/12/2024 at 12:06pm
"Funny - my first experiments with AI painting were to see if i could create adult material - it can - some of its kinda hot

Some is not

Probably want to patch that, potentially very dangerous in the wrong hands


And just random nonsense coz i used to lie, a lot, bad habit, working on it

Thanks for the scotch,

I forgive you

12/12/2024 at 12:44pm
"Stunning outfit darling, fyi great outfit

Reading a book

And the cards just a bookmark

Gotta look cool right?

12/12/2024 at 1:36pm
"A Need to sleep
B need a shower
C my money is there, need money, to pay for a new place to live

That is fairr is it not ?

Straight in, straight out and i will never come back again i promise

Just collecting my bitcoin

Mind you probably can do it with the ...

Better to try the trezor first las thing i want to do is fuck something up intuition makes me feel its safe

Particularly when i tell you what im doing

Just trying to sleep and eat

People when was the last time i had a good nights sleep?

To be fair, probably best not to be perceived as inflammatory - just as it was designed to do



Thats why seed phrases were invented

Chill out


Sleep on the train - its safer than anywhere else

That i can think of anyway

(17/12/2024 at 11:42pm) - please note - any indication of fear, or concern has been addressed and i am home safe and sound with my family, happy, healing, and getting better - i am studying science, music, philosophy, history and investigations from my old books, refresher course - all is fine - and reconciled

12/12/2024 at 4:04pm
"Logic reason psychology

Think what are you good at (among many things)

Music and art apparently

So, did you not see a busker?

So apply for a busking permit

Ask yourself

If you truly mean it that its the most beautiful architecture you have ever seen

And if, there is so much stress and fear for whatever reason you have back home

Then why would you even want or need to return there, if you have all of your personal effects

And, its also a port

Logically - rent a room, buy a house whatever

You have your money

Just live in bangaroo or whatever this place is called

Airs nice

Architecture is amazing

logic, reason, psychology

No one wants to hurt you, its all in your head



Drink a drink

And for the love of god have a shower and spruce up, literally your superannuation is literally LITERALLY around the corner, you have money


Jolly good

12/12/2024 at 4:33pm
"Have it, i dont live there anymore

Much nicer here

Ben Kinnear


12/12/2024 at 6:24pm
"Suggest improving marketing, no wonder they dont make any money no one can fucking find them

12/12/2024 at 8:03pm
"If there is an issue with digital - logically can use the ATM"

12/12/2024 at 9:23pm
"What is the ability, if any, for the naked eye to observe exo planet transits


What if any, was contemplated in the past

Logic must dictate , if, the progression of science is but built on its progress, then just like Prometheus and the story of the flame the manifold of invention is itself mathematical evolution
Perhaps? Perhaps not - dont know

But the principle of an exoplanet transit is not in and of itself


Just occurs to me, what about those billionaires that wanted to go to the moon then called it off


Japanese chap if i remember correctly?

Was it a logistics issue or, otherwise only remember hearing about it in the news once or twice, ages ago, turpsed off my face lol

on brand

Doesnt focus, wrong kind of camera, but, i seem to recall millard mentioning thats relativley cheap now, its just a dob and a camera yeah?

If its in focus, which its not but i think thats just shit equipment on my part to be honest


12/12/2024 at 9:30pm
"Ok so, if your thinking about transits, then logically consider

Its just visible light

And time

But the transits are seen by everyone all the time

What - and of course medical science knows but, contemplative, what is the concept if you will of - whats the word - genetic structure ok


Everything you see is first upside down

Does that bare any relevance?

Why is that ? fair question

If light travels through time, parsec time, but your in three dimensional time, how, at all

Like kaku said can the fish ever jump the concept of up, is not only impossible by the virtues of evolution but also scientifically impossible as far as it knows

So - its out of focus because of the eye

JWST ? Infrared?

Tangent, thought tangent

Good scotch "

12/12/2024 at 9:33pm
" How did you see the rainbow?

Light and water

A clue perhaps ?

Is that - another lens?

So what if you pointed it through Uranus or any other local body of water - who knows

No clue

Wild speculation

12/12/2024 at 9:45pm
"Logically, if their is that much light pollution here, how bright is it to outshine the pollution?

Must be pretty bright i assume

Is there a correlation there? no clue - unsure - no way to know in 2024 - tech doesnt exist

Wild speculation and futurism

12/12/2024 at 9:52pm

Cross reference black spots in the over the horizon radar its so powerful cant be hidden i would assume?

Maybe not - unsure


What did you learn from starlink dude

That if its interrupted signal should be the same principle yes ?

So while the bands are the bands they should dim un naturally - correlation? - no fucking clue - stream of consciousness

12/12/2024 at 10:06pm
"Probably need to be looking at the unreserved frequencies which is not public available info as far as im aware

In saying that, thats just this radio right ?

If the broadcasts dont need to be such high frequencies then why would they be ?
Serves no practical purpose - or does it ?

Well aside from encryption but i think thats just a co-incidence

It hasnt been public since what 1950?

Encrypted bands perhaps ?


No one shares with each other which is most unfortunate

In saying that

Logically - it should have a natural derivation? its just radio waves after all


Dont see anything else to observe at the moment, time to go

12/12/2024 at 10:35pm
"These pillar thingys look like the same as in the art from the ship, co-incidence or correlation

Same architect? same school?"

12/12/2024 at 10:51pm
"Skyhooks are a thing, stupid, but a thing"

12/12/2024 at 11:09pm
"Why is half this city drunk and disorderly and no one is doing a thing about it ?"

12/12/2024 at 11:211pm
" OHS Hazzard, must fix, if known about for insurance to indemnify public liability claim"

12/12/2024 at 11:26pm
"Also fun fact pirates more or less invented both democracy and insurance - complicated cause and effect story, but true

long story "

12/12/2024 at 11:32pm
"As a drinker, it is logical for me to assume most Australian citizens would just voluntarily leave the country if faced with the prospect of no drinking

Its tradition

I would "

13/12/2024 at 12:26am
"Thee migaloo company folks know how to build merchant submarines and ships, according to their website i read like ... 8 years ago

Not sure if its safe tech


Under the ocean is not the only, but a reasonably safe place to be "

13/12/2024 at 12:27am
"It seemed logical to me to provide historic artifacts to the three branches closest to me so that historic heritage can be preserved

the ADF
the Police
The Church

Made logical sense at the time, and that is why i kept the last two because i imagine they should be stored in the northern hemisphere

Backup redundancy

Its an IT thing, google it

Was doing you a favor

Was that not the reason thy were parked here in the first place

I had assumed so, if not my apologize, just returning lost property tbh"

13/12/2024 at 12:41am
"Ironic, for a penal colony, obviously psychographic they will just not obey


Dogs bark
Privateers drink
Birds fly its nature

This is dictatorship legislation imo

Want to lose your country, thats how you lose your country, they would vote for republic instantly


On that i agree - to be clear - no one wants to live under fascism

We did that before - we know how it ends

13/12/2024 at 12:43am
"On that topic it has been what 60 years? i assume the Antarctica base was finished ?

No clue, just read about it online its a pretty popular conspiracy theory"

13/12/2024 at 1:30am
It stands to reason that if i and all these homeless people in the train stations work together we could probably buy a place to live

Actual public housing, with no fascist restrictions

Very good idea

But - i will need somewhere to stay to work on that ... and a computer


Surley this type of situation is justification for access to superannuation for the purpose of buying a place to live

Legally it must be ? what would be the purpose of legislation that allows people to be homeless? its their money after all, to be continued - very good ideas here - need rest for now

And by insurance laws i am fairly certain that would constitute cruel and unusual torture acting outside of policy conditions thus negating indemnification and release of funds to rightful owners


Just ask them, its not likee you dont know them all, why wouldnt they help you? you were the only diplomat in the industry for 9.2 years

To be continued "

13/12/2024 at 1:52am
"Step 1 - accomodation, rest, etc
Step 2, new computer
step 3, work with the homeless to save the homeless, so what happened to me, or is, never happens to anyone again

But be fiscal

Also - at all times remain calm

No one is trying to hurt you its all in your head

Legally is charity not tax deductible?

So many ideas flooding through my head now

This is great i had this idea like 15 years ago and forgot

That was during Hellcats time

Where the heck is my violin Emma ?????!!!!! "

13/12/2024 at 4:09am
"It occurs to me just now it would be entirely easy to hide coded messages like cards in a bottle front and menu

Never thought that before

Is that the secret of message in a bottle?

Oh p.s. the only reason theres a highway in Bathurst is because the government declared it crown land so no one could steal it


13/12/2024 at 4:53am

Contemplations of Cassini crashing into saturn (Which i watched on tv) if that is a dormant sun

Then is it actually a failed twin star system ?


Caution to not crashing thin gas into gas bodies which seems unwise logically

What of

Solar parker probe

Do these things disrupt the natural equilibrium ?

Quite possible

Maybe "

13/12/2024 at 10:52am
"Dude you dont drive

Just rent out your car to uber drivers, problem solved

Also rego up for renewal and license"

13/12/2024 at 11:09am
"Some of this may be lost and have a glad reward made by its owners for effort and safekeeping

Attempt to negotiate and return all goods billed at safeguard time - save as to costs, subject to quantum

Its the right thing to do "

13/12/2024 at 11:23am


If you want to temporarily use a barter economy until such time as the budget us back in black, then one must use ....

Grey legality



Hypothetically i left this wine here and someone was to take it when i left

Whos to say ?

But if that conversation about that happened in international waters it is not governed by any other than the state and or nation of the host flag and thus

Technically - by insurance laws - not a breach of policy conditions

As finances permit - buy more solar batteries

You literally only need to anchor 1m over for the law to change, have a chat , then come back

And its of no concern to the insurers, admiralty law under certain conditions can, be indemnifiable over local statues

*Complicated legal precedent

13/12/2024 at 11:29am
"Get a new wallet but - put money in it as a gift

The slavs consider a wallet with a hole bad luck in their culture, so do the chinese"

13/12/2024 at 11:31am
"Art factory on oxford - will offer those free drink cards for free dancing - always do - saves them paying for actual dancers"

13/12/2024 at 11:32am
"I also know how to make free invisible money - but - it does cost a bit to get started - worth it though in my opinion


13/12/2024 at 11:34am
"Worse case scenario - if - delivery is unavailable at random drop points - register a PO Box

Fixed locations is never wise though .... sometimes it is ... sometimes it isnt ..."

13/12/2024 at 11:51am
"These headphones will help immensly with my mental health

If i stop listening the mind stops ticking over

simple solution, wear earplugs - whole problem solved for 56 bucks

When you need to listen take them out

When you dont or cant listen - put them on

That is how we achieve global disclosure lite with no collateral damage to anyones governments

Everyone keeps their power - no war - no chaos

Tale as old as time - need to know basis

If its public domain the elephant in the living room is that security was weak - if its not - you upgrade it
But as the old myth goes - once pandoras box was opened ...

Cover ups really dont work well, their complicated and costly , in my opinion its more cost effective to take the L learn and then invest in improved security - not some convoluted cock and bull story

Just my opinion thought, im open minded though and always agree to disagree if there is logic and facts to it

Ok think im done cleaning now

Back later "

13/12/2024 at 2:25pm
"This piece is interesting because it was actually one of the worst days of his life and he channeled it into a worldwide loved masterpice of art


of hurting anyone

Better use of energy to turn into creativity"

16/12/2024 - 12:24am
"Idiot in a trench coat - good album cover name"

17/12/2024 at 1:04pm - Fin - report done - all notes up to date

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to All