Rules Update - Actually It Occurs To Me You May Not Know

in #politics4 days ago

Were having comms issues internally, and visibly, so im assuming, you have no idea of the rules updates - i was assuming there would be a relay, but in the event no, were up to here, HOWEVER, its still in drafting, will be many amendments, just in the event Discord is not allowing backdooring, here is where we are up to

In voice

Text Channel
Ministry of Gamer Intelligence:rules

rules chat
Welcome to

Ministry of Gamer Intelligence

This is the beginning of this server.
February 15, 2025

Kashmir_Z — 2/15/2025 9:47 AM
Rules (Formative - This Will Expand / Be Refined)

#1 - Ministry of Gamer Intelligence (MGI) is an E-Sports Gaming Club, with special interest areas to support the community for those who are interested, those special interest areas, are not to undermine the gaming elements, unlike other traditional gaming clubs, where by, elections are run for president, in the interest of preserving the integrity of my idea, consider me president of the club for life, what can I say, I'm a Monarchist at heart, however in saying that, as time progresses, and members accumulate & activity increases, I will set up systems similar to traditional sports clubs under me, and we will run them democratically, at which point, it will operate very similar, to how Australia presently operates, where by the Monarch has little to no influence on anything, unless activated by the Governor General, the only difference will be, I will be able to activate, at any time - at my discretion - but that is far into the future.

#2 - Good Sportsmanship is Priority - Use whatever tactic or strategy is allowed by the game, but no Hacking, No Cheating

#3 - It is not an echo chamber, diversity of ideas is healthy, never be afraid to disagree with me (Kashmir_Z) or anyone else, in, as civil a manner as you can, and if not, well, express your views anyway.

#4 - 18+ Only, the only exception to this, is that if you yourself have children, and would like them in the Club for some reason, that's not to be discriminatory, if you invite someone to the server that is under age, they will be removed.

#5 - No Sexual Harassment - Flirt, test the waters, by all means, all of human civilization would collapse if every guy or girl didn't have a crack every now and then, but, consent, no means no, if you make an advance, and it falls flat, drop it, if someone says no, it means that.

#6 - If you want to have political debates, or discussions, we have a channel for that, keep it to that, and don't let it overflow into other areas, just like sports & e-sports, go there, have a nice clean debate, or argument, or whatever you want to do, then return to normal, yes in the course of normal conversations these things come up, and that's fine, but if its escalating into a full on political discussion, debate, or argument, take it to the Political Room - in there, have at it.

#7 - We are LGBTQ+ Friendly - We are Also Anti LGBTQ+ Friendly - Neither Camp will ever go away, We Should Seek Middle Ground & Understanding on those issues as they have relevant cross sections - But again, these are political discussions, and should be kept, to appropriate channels, my views, can differ to yours, and vice versa, please don't LGBTQ+ it up to much, and please don't TERF it up to much, that polarization is tearing western politics apart - we will strive, to avoid that, within our gaming Club.

#8 - Large, Liveable, Highly Technologically Advanced Space Stations Around Pluto as the "Front Line" of the Solar System is central to the Agenda.

#9 - Where it is viable to provide "free" high speed internet to civilians, we will aim to do so* subject to how we ascertain how to pay for it, it will be paid for, but paid for by the Club.

#10 - Free Speech, absolute, Free Speech, is essential to a healthy democracy, and we will strive to protect it as best we can.
[9:48 AM]
#11 - No Violence - Period - Ok, if the political landscape of the world suddenly changes and you need to defend yourself, fair dues, im not talking pacifism, I am simply saying, none of this nonsense political protests, violent activism, destructive activism, be smart, have a political issue? discuss it with your local member, innovate in the private sector, there is no need for silliness, anyone engaging in violent activities offline, will be removed from the club.

#12 - Smack talk is fine, that's part of gaming culture, but know when to draw the line, there is a big difference between playful smack talk and bullying, anyone, Bullying online, will be subject to disciplinary action.

#13 - I am a subject, of the Commonwealth, and uphold the ideals of the Commonwealth, as does this Club & Organization, you can have your own political views, and allegiances, but at the end of the day, if you are part of this organization, you are aiding, the Commonwealth, understand that, you don't have to agree with it, just so long as your friends with it.

#14 - If Australia wishes to vote Republic in a referendum in the future, I am also fine with that, should, they decide to remain part of the commonwealth, if they do not wish to, then I will pack my bags and be off to the nearest commonwealth country, as I said, I am a Monarchist at heart, despite the fact, I am a Libertarian at heart also.

#15 - A Free & Independent Press, is Critical to a healthy democracy, and we must protect the thoughts, views, and right to broadcast, publish or otherwise for Press organizations, a democracy can not function without voters being able to make informed decisions, and they cant make informed decisions without informed views, of which, it is not only the function, but the duty, of a free and open press in a democracy.

#16 - Pin Up Girls or Otherwise are fine by me, just keep it to appropriate channels and be sensitive to other peoples tastes and preferences.

#17 - All Religions & Philosophies are welcome, so long as you are not spewing hate against one another, or advocating for violence against one another.

#18 - We MUST progress towards becoming a Type 1 Civilization

#19 - “I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I aim with my eye. I do not shoot with my hand; he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I shoot with my mind. I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father.
I kill with my heart.” ― Stephen King, The Gunslinger

#20 - Clean up the Ocean & Protect Marine Life
[9:48 AM]
#21 - Protect Endangered Species & Animal Life where possible

#22 - Fund The Police, Fund The Firefighters, Fund The Ambulance Drivers - But Reform the Corruption

#23 - Backburning is essential, to prevent major forest fires and devastating loss of life & infrastructure

#24 - Online services are wonderful, and we strive to embrace technology, we must also, as best we can, strive to inject our money in local communities, local jobs, and local projects, we often all think of things at a Federal Level, but politics really does start at home, in our own towns and cities, is their a local provider you could go shop at, purchase from, strive to do that, as much as you can, it keeps money in your local economy (whatever country your from) and keeps hard working people employed, not suggesting not to use online services, but, we must also support our local communities, honestly, we all talk about politics the reality is, we CAN affect change locally, very easily, every time you buy local, your paying someone's wages, the wheel of economy turns, don't send it all off shore.

#25 - We are about investing, for our futures, Crypto, Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, or Otherwise, we should share ideas, and perspectives so that we can all, better ourselves, and our communities through smart financial decisions with a view to long term prosperous growth (we are going to need a club accountant and financial planner - BOLO)

#26 - Any investigative activity, irrespective of where you are from, is to operate under the following legislation - If you are not licenced in your relevant state or territory, you will not be authorized to participate in any special interest areas of the Club, if you are abroad from Australia, you must hold equivalent qualifications and or licensing in your country, state, region which must be verified.

#27 - As an Australian club and or organization with international presence, all activities must be in compliance with local Australian Law & International Law (we are going to need to recruit some lawyers)

#28 - All publications, on our digital Newspaper side, must be in compliance with relevant, anti slander, anti etc law (Were going to need some press lawyers)

#29 - Everyone can participate in active online anti bullying and anti sportsmanship activities - that does not require any special licenses, if those people, are to hear information relevant to the investigators, they may pass that on.

#30 - We will strive to be active in E-Sports tournaments, activities and otherwise, doesn't matter if we win or lose, its about the love of the games, the sportsmanship

#31 - As we say in Australia "Don't be a dickhead"

This will do for now - more to come
February 24, 2025

Kashmir_Z — 2/24/2025 6:02 AM
#32 - Respect other peoples beliefs
February 26, 2025

Kashmir_Z — 2/26/2025 2:15 PM
#33 - One must not compromise their principles for the sake of convenience *caveat, for diplomacy (at presidents discretion)

Kashmir_Z — 2/26/2025 11:48 PM
#34 - not and never selling anything that pays dividends though, thats critical infrastructure
February 27, 2025

Kashmir_Z — 2/27/2025 4:22 AM
#35 - Nothing wrong with speculating to the contrary of the status quo
if we didnt, we would never get anywhere (edited)

Kashmir_Z — 2/27/2025 5:29 AM
#36 - Pluto is the priority (for plutonians) - (furthermore - for plutonians - if you focus on the terrestrial, humanity will go extinct, one way or the other, fact - look to the stars, and you will survive, there is no other way - in the grand scheme of things - Martians have their own views, but we are not martians, never forget that - some, are - we are not - we are very different to them - they are also not our enemies - nor, ever should be, otherwise, defending the front line of the solar system would mean nothing - and that is what we do - we defend, everyone in this solar system, whether we agree with them or not - unless they attack us, at which point, countermeasures, and if they continue, evaluation of strategy that leads towards a non cataclysmic outcome) (edited)

Kashmir_Z — 2/27/2025 5:10 PM
#37 - You always explore, all diplomatic options, at length, but at the end of the day, traitors will be shot (metaphorically speaking) - but, if you do actually commit treason, there is no metaphor - traitors will be shot - no question - Im not having tax payer money, pay for traitors and anti commonwelath people live in prisons, waste of money, if your a traitor, shot, HOWEVER, the issue in law, is, are they guilty or not guilty, if there is any ambuguity - then no, prison, only time that is sanctioned is if, you have proper, evidence, that confirms it - if not, prison, if confirmed, not beyond resonable doubt, or a jury, but FACT , that . ie. proven visuals, audio, text, or otherwise - let me put it this way, if you have to pull the trigger, you pull the trigger, and there is no guilt for that, just doing your job - proven traitors, will be shot, proven, and it needs to be proven, and the reason for that, the logical rationale, is that then, it will discourage future traitors (edited)
[5:16 PM]
#38 - Attack plutonians M.A.D

Kashmir_Z — 2/27/2025 5:22 PM
#38 - Trespassers - KOS - Caveat: you allow, them, to identify themselves, and offer, them to leave, if they dont leave KOS (edited)

Kashmir_Z — 2/27/2025 5:34 PM
#39 - Your goal, is always, to avoid capture, by any means neccesary, you cant, be captured, if for some reason you are, do what you feel is a measured decision, in the scenario you are facing, however, that is extreme circumstances only, every method, to escape must be taken, if you are captured, you say nothing, not a single word and if you feel compelled to speak, then, you must do what you must do, but you will, for the preservation of the commonwealth, it is unfortunate, but that is how important the Pluto Project is, so basically, dont get captured, run, evade, do whatever you have to, to not get captured, if you do, we dont do courts, we dont do trials, we dont do appeals, we dont do petitions, we just end it, and its M.A.D for everything and anything you know, about everyone, if you go down, you take everyone with you. - and it fucking sucks, i will say, but we have to be that way, or we will never get the job done, and the Axis will win. (edited)
[5:37 PM]
#40 You must have, a full, report, available, at any point in time, on a device on your person, to burn, expose, or otherwise, everything you know, about anyone and everything if you are in a situation subsiquent to rule #39 - if your in that situation, and in your measurment, above all else there is no other way, you burn erveryone, and everything, scorched earth, no exceptions - thats MGI - we dont fuck around - we cant - everything depends on it - i wish there could be other ways, but sometimes there are not - so dont get captured (edited)
[5:40 PM]
#41 - Rest, when you can, and chill out, its good for mental health

Kashmir_Z — 2/27/2025 5:42 PM
#42 - Plutonians are not captured, we are not interrigated, we dont exist, and we shall keep it that way, because if we didnt, the solar system falls due to interior politics - commonwealth & allies information, must NEVER fall into the hands of the Axis, no matter what, and no matter the cost (edited)

Kashmir_Z — 2/27/2025 11:02 PM
#43 - strong moral code is essential, Thats why there is a lot of Knight Code, Bushido Stuff, and Loyalty in our culture, Because if you didnt have that, it would go south, very quickly, and then everyone would die,
and that would rather defeat the purpose of it all yeah ? - because, we think of some of the most wack deadly shit ever, which in the wrong hands, is very bad (edited)
[11:06 PM]
#44 - You cant ever be cut loose, from MGI, there is no retirement, ever, for an MGI agent, there cant be, because of the implications of the contents of rule #43 - you can get a version of retirement, but your never out - ever - period - no exceptions - which, is, by and large un-democratic - but, as a principle, must be the case, otherwise, people could leave, switch sides, and hand the information to the enemy, and then your deadliest superweapons are used against you, so for that reason - and, that is not possible, to be changed, at all, ever, through democratic process, executive order, or at all - in fact, the only person who can change that is me, and subsiquently, i now sub section, #44a to state, i am not allowed to

Kashmir_Z — 2/27/2025 11:15 PM
#45 - Science, will be developed, to bury, this and these proticols, past, present, and future emergent within baseline DNA of offspring so that there can be no compromise of security contigency with respect to the defence of the commonwealth and its allies, there for, it is not possible to lose the knowledge, and subsiquently, can re-emerge, at any future date, in the event of total anihilation of any MGI facility anywhere in the solar system, the precise method as to how to do that, will reolve around understanding the human genetic genome, memory, nuerology and various other sciences, combined, with the concepts of cryptography, ciphers and decoders, that, will, self replicate through biological evolution so that it is impossible, for it to be ceased, detected, intercepted, or otherwise - as a baseline security proticol for backup redundancy
[11:19 PM]
#46 - It is true, our democracy, is as a result, of the brave sacrifice, of both our allies, and our enemies, both of whom, held a valuable part, in making us what we are today, and we must never forget that - lest we forget, for when we do, it will happen again
February 28, 2025

Kashmir_Z — 2/28/2025 12:49 AM
#47 - The primary language, is English, however, encoded transmissions will be done through 1337 speak, which, will evolve with time, as all languages do, however, where as we have had the issue in the past, with languages becoming extinct, or forgotten, we will resolve this issue, by utilizing block chain, so that, over the aggregate of time, all languages, and their permutations, i.e. Us Circa Pure Pwnage days, have our variation of 1337 speak, I am quite sure Generation Alpha, at time of writing, presently have their own, and, no doubt, their children, will have their own variation to, which would mean, over the span of thousands, if not millions of years, we may forget things, so, utilizing blockchain, we can leave examples, of our culture, and academic transcript there of, which will result in us very easily being able to understand previous languages, and, any subsequent derivative.

Kashmir_Z — 2/28/2025 1:07 AM
#48 - It occurs to me, this is not only cray, but also very controvertial, have you ever fancied a girl? thats married, spoken for, or otherwise just not into you, well, i have a solution for that, If you are not aware, to replicate, a human being, all you need, is a snippet, of their DNA and you can actually rebuild, the entire thing from that And, they flake, their DNA everywhere, dont they? scratch themselves and a bit of dust hair follace, you name it, dna samples bloody everywhere
Take it - store it - clone it, bio-engineer it, Subsiquent to that - i see the argument that, similar to copyright, some people may not appreciate this, there for with consent, similar, to my deep fake payment idea, you simply request, what price, they wish, for their genetic licence, and buy it, could even work out royalties from it

That cute girl you always wanted to bang from your PornHub video? Easily done

But, and i want to make this clear, they have free will, whether you do it organically, robotically, or bio-mechanically - they always have free will, that is a fundamental tennant of the universe

This is Black Vault Tech - But needs to be ratified in rules (law)

Also, if, for whatever reason, for a mission, operation, or otherwise, you seriously, need, and i mean its imperitive, that you use seduction to gather information, while it is not - legal - at all - to sleep with a party that has been manipulated, the use of pheremone technology is authorized, to the extent, you may flirt, to extract information, but you must not now, or ever, have romantic relations with a party that did not consent to it, and while that is black vault tech, i want to be very clear on that, that consent, is key. (If, due to time derivation, and drift, you have been guilty in the contrary to this, you are, retroactivly pardoned of all misdeeds, prior, because it had not yet been written)
The only, and ONLY caveat, to that, is if, and only if, the civilization is literally about to go extinct, and you better be darn sure it is, at which point, you may activate Eden Proticol.

However, That seems mathematically unlikely - now or ever, at this point in time of writing, so you should never need to use Eden Proticol, and, any attempt to use Eden Proticol as justification to create a legal loophole, is to be strictly monitored, however, as a backup emergency redundancy, Eden Proticol does exist,

Now, scientifically, regarding pheremone, and, the black vault technology just ruled into law, it should, in principle, never be required to use Eden Proticol, because, Aphrodite Proticol will make it not required, these terms, will be expanded upon, at a later date, suffice to say, There are some women, who are by their own nature, quite promiscuous, there for, if DNA samples are extracted from those individuals, they would naturally, wish, to, by their own dutious nature, engage, in Eden Proticol. Thus, Eden Proticol, is to be enacted, by way, of Aphrodite Proticol.

Venus, allows, Pluto, to renew, to the subsiquent defence to all interior Solar System civilizations.

The reason for this, Fundamentally, is it resolves, the ethical, and moral dillema, faced, by Orthodox Religions, hedonism, can blend, and co-exist, with those of faith, because there will be no more such thing as "Cheating" or "Infidelity" because you would never, have to partner, with people, of such a nature, you would simply sample, from those that have no issue with whatever permutation of hedonistic bent. - as to the best way to go about doing this - will be, and should be, a matter for consideration and discussion among subsiquent presidents and their advisors - as i am unsure, of the specifics, of how these things are achieved - i will upon reflection of it, at a later date in the future. but at time of writing, i do not. - This must be kept in this context, to allow for subsiquent presidents and law makers to interpret. with logic and reason. (edited)

Kashmir_Z — 2/28/2025 1:23 AM
#48a Subsiquent to, caveats of pardons, regarding retroactive you are unable to, regarding the notional misdeeds, it is my understanding, reverse time travel is not possible, however, should that prove to be not the case at some point in the future, you are unable, to create a legal loop hole, to go prior to when i have written this, to undo this, or, subsiquent to, create legal justifications by way of travelling to an earlier backup, restoration, or there otherwise - which, is subject to #44 & #44a - However, the wording may be edited, if, it is to streamline comprehension as at time of writing, the matter is still being defined, the wording, or re edit of such, must not, change the intent, of the initial matter, any and all attempt to subvert #44 is considered high treason. (edited)

Kashmir_Z — 2/28/2025 1:40 AM
#49 - There is no such thing as a thought crime, and never will be - Imagination, of any derivation, is required, for innovation by way of the fundamental laws of causality, but for, any absence there of, as a result, we would not exist
[1:42 AM]
#50 - All of this, may be edited, for readability, with, cross reference to source material, but the edited version, does not subvert, the readability version, if, anything is enacted by the readbility version, it is invalidated subject to #44 and persuant to #44a (edited)

Kashmir_Z — 2/28/2025 4:32 AM
#51 - If all else fails, live adrift at sea (or space as time relevant) , or live on the ocean (space) , procure a ship (or Starliner) of substantial size, fit it with all required components for anemities, and supplies of all types, and set abroad, if, you are persued, go as far away into the unknown regions as possible, aim for, beyond, the visible light universe, out there, will be older civilizations, far beyond the known comprehension of anything within the visible light universe, and they will probably, be of mechanical or AI origin, so remember, while you enjoy a cup of tea, they enjoy a conversation. (edited)

Kashmir_Z — 2/28/2025 4:56 AM
#52 - Think like a Knight, not a gangster

Kashmir_Z — 2/28/2025 10:07 AM
#53 - Always screen your phonecalls, if they dont leave a voicemail, then not worth calling them back, you dont want to get blindsided by something or someone, or who knows what, in customer service, when you call someone, you always leave a voicemail for this reason, increases your level of customer service, otherwise, your clients may or may not, call you back, and may or may not consider your UVP, Task Request, or whatever it happens to be, there are many many advantages of not leaving a voicemail #53a In insurance, insurers, have a legal obligation, to make sure, they, follow all the various processes put down by the governing bodies, this includes, advising clients, of certain things they must do, if they do not do those things, then they are in breach of the insurers code, and may be subject to heavy penalties, all of this, can be circumvented, by way of leaving a voicemail, so yes, if you dont leave a voicemail, when you call your client, it can quite literally, cost your insurance company millions and millions of dollars because you were not in compliance of your legal obligations. (edited)

Kashmir_Z — 2/28/2025 10:17 AM

[10:22 AM]

[10:23 AM]
#55 - Standarized blueprints of fleet ships in this regard, must be in and of themself, familiar across the entire fleet, the last thing you want to do, is find yourself in a combat situation, and not be familiar with the heads up display (HUD) and or, architecture of the ship, you can familiarize yourself in port, and of course, conduct training exercises there as well, for that very purpose #53b The reason you screen your calls, and leave voicemails, in a business capacity, or otherwise is because then, it allows you a moment, if, required, to pause, be presented with relevant materials, review, relevant facts and refresh your thoughts on certain topics, quite literally, preparing for a situation, if its urgent of course, you just call them back straight away. (edited) #54 - Color code critical repair infrastructure, be familiar where it is on your ship, and in easy to access for optimal efficiency moments, when you first board a ship, review, those locations, and colors, even if, you are only a passenger, that way, you can help the crew, should you need to conduct emergency repairs #safetyfirst

Kashmir_Z — 2/28/2025 10:28 AM
#56 - On comms - Check Check, means everyone immedietly shut up, something important or critical may be happening
[10:28 AM]

Spelling alphabet
A spelling alphabet (also called by various other names) is a set of words used to represent the letters of an alphabet in oral communication, especially over a two-way radio or telephone. The words chosen to represent the letters sound sufficiently different from each other to clearly differentiate them. This avoids any confusion that could eas...
[10:32 AM]
#58 - Wikipedia, is critical infrastructure, always do your best to support it - allows individuals in less developed nations to educate themselves, essential service, essential infrastructure
[10:34 AM]
#59 - Many gamers, are academics, and academics, often, like curating the facts, as time permits, they should be paid, and given some sort of financial aid, and or, kickback, or whatever phrasing, for, their academic contributions to both adding, knowledge to wikipedia, and curating it, and fact checking it - some people, live and breath for that stuff, it really entertains them, historians particularly, thus, they should be compensated appropriatly for their work, as best as a budget can allow
[10:35 AM]
#60 - To protect wikipedia, clone it on a blockchain, that way, it cant be destroyed due to Financial Issues, Geo-Political Issues or Exo-Political issues (when they present themselves) - Should, they ever fall, which if we are assisting them, they never will, we can at which point in time, contact them, and then allow them to use our data, to rebuild their data, back to, its origional state, we can do this by utilizing the same technology that functions the Wayback Machine, and, the general concept of a web crawler circa, old school SEO days, and modern SEO days (edited) #57 - Use the Phonetic Alphabet when discussing letters, in things that have them, I.E. A Registration Plate or any similar scenario, 1969-present - - until, at any other point in time, there appears to be factual reasonably reliable data to suggest it may be wise for the purposes of the objective to potentially change it - however, at that point, would be in-efficient for everyone to relearn everything, so you would allow, that to remain, and logically, simply phase in, the next alteration or adaption in the next learning module, however that is done. (edited)

Kashmir_Z — 2/28/2025 10:37 AM
#61 - Protect the Wayback machine, for the same reasons and in the same way, as and subject to #58, #59 and #60

Kashmir_Z — 2/28/2025 10:45 AM
#62 - It is illegal, to access the Australian Electoral Role, to obtain the private information of people for cases that you are working - If, you become aware of private investigators, that are abusing their powers, and accessing the electoral role unlawfully, you are to immediatly, report them to the nearest government body that you are able to communicate, by any communication means possible, also, keep it, that record of the observation on a blockchain for continuity of evidence, thus it is admissable, and cant be destroyed by any means of severe corruption, as the only countermeasure, would be to EMP the planet. (edited)

Kashmir_Z — 2/28/2025 8:00 PM
#63 - When the cost of living is to high in your country, logically, calmly, and orderly, simply leave your country - it is perfectly normal to do so, and not disloyal - blind loyalty, would be remaining in a country that is un-affordable (edited)
March 1, 2025

Kashmir_Z — 3/1/2025 3:30 AM
#64 - In general - If an overdose is taken or suspected, ring the Poisons Information Centre on 131 126 (If in Australia) or, google, whatever country, if you cant do that, were going to develop a panic button that hooks into your phone, like the already existing apple phones emergency feature, and if we cant do that, were going to use, smartwatch technology, to monitor your bios, so if you accidentally hurt yourself, messing around with some science experiment, get attacked, or whatever, you can be helped, because otherwise, if you were in the situation i was just in, you would have died, and we dont want our people to die

Kashmir_Z — 3/1/2025 4:38 AM
#65 - Quite a lot of knife crime going around in the world, as we have observed of late, let me give you some very blunt advice - if, someone tries to rob you, at knifepoint, or gunpoint, for money, you give them your money, your money can be replaced, your life can not.

While it sounds counter theoretical, I assure you, the default advice, of anyone that has studied any brief modicum of martial arts will tell you, in general, you actually always yield, and always try the flee, first you try to flee, if you cant flee, then you try to yield (re the token wallet comment) only, if your are in the penultimate literal do or die sense, would you ever actually try anything - with respect, anyone that says otherwise, is being a bit foolish, and it is not aligned, with pretty much anyone, of a warrior culture or mindset.

Kashmir_Z — 3/1/2025 8:09 AM
#66 - Do not neglect your children for a computer game - be a responsible parent

Kashmir_Z — 3/1/2025 10:02 AM
#67 - Keep previous versions, with use in alteration, or, where as applicable, for assistance with interpretation of the law (edited)

Kashmir_Z — 3/1/2025 11:27 AM
#68 - Do not make death threats, if you do, before you do anything, sleep on it, calm down, take a drink, whatever, and calm, and explain yourself afterwards, 99% of the time, you wont feel the same after you have had a good nights rest, and a good days relaxation, HR Politics be damned, every strong willed man and woman, does and says these things, we must know, that when matters are escelating, how we de-escelate - sometimes you gotta get hot, to cool off, its bizzare, but history, proves this - lets not make the mistake, of making brash decisions, in the heat of the moment - we have ALL done that, we should strive, to not do that, moving forward (edited)
March 2, 2025

Kashmir_Z — Yesterday at 8:37 AM
#69 - This is a rule you can bend at your own discretion, because it would be rather silly, for it to be a hard and fast rule for a multitude of obvious reasons, however, in the interest of club safety, i would strongly reccomend, that if you are a heavy drinker, you always sleep on your side, i really would be upset, if someone in our gaming community was drinking, or smoking, or whatever, and then had a health incident, because they were sleeping on their back during a state of inebriation, do what you want, sure, but i highly reccomend it as a safety precaution, many a good man and woman have lost their lives that way.

Kashmir_Z — Yesterday at 11:55 AM
#70 - If your a drinker, always have a hip flask on you with a nip of alcohol on you, i always have had a code "Break in case of emergency" last thing you need when complexity arising is to be having withdraws, or nuances or otherwise, if your a smoker, probably have an emergency joint laying around, i had this problem at Sea actually, they cut my drinks and i was going through such hard withdraws i could not even think, could not solve a problem, mind was moving so slow - so yes, never get caught in that situation, always have a backup, not to get blotto, but hip flask of whatever and coca cola, or whatever, could make all the difference to you achieving your objective, or failing your objective, and speaking from experience there, trust me, i have had it fail, before, just because someone deprived me of alcohol, goes south, real quick people, if that is not possible for some reason, consult a physician for a medical alternative, i am sure there are many, i.e. various pharmecuticals which may act as a stimulant in such or said situation, think outside the box, get the job done.

Kashmir_Z — Yesterday at 9:42 PM
#71 - Actually
[9:32 PM]
Since i just mentioned it in passing to Ms Iri, let me give you all, a very simple tip, if you are licenced or not, and want to record something
[9:32 PM]
Something i basically stole, from a old colleague of mine called Greg (top bloke) who is also quite an avid gamer actually (should track that guy down at some stage)
[9:32 PM]
[9:33 PM]
If you are in a server, discord, game, or otherwise - and you observe, some sort of negative behaviour, whatever it happens to be, all this radicalism going on, so people talking about stabbing people, or hurting people, or domestic violence, or whatever it happens to be, that your looking into, or looking over right
[9:34 PM]
While TECHNCIALLY yes, when you are in fear of your own personal safety, there is a proviso that states, you DONT have to announce you are recording, for the evidence to be considered admissable
[9:34 PM]
However, those are pretty extreme and rare circumstances
[9:34 PM]
In general, you get consent
[9:34 PM]
But, and this is very important for a PI , Lawyers and Insurance agents do it different
[9:34 PM]
And by the by, i am pretty sure Greg stole this from Youi insurance
[9:35 PM]
So basically, Greg stole it from Youi, probably when he was at IAG, and then i stole it from him - anyway thats just how things work
[9:35 PM]
You go
[9:35 PM]
"Kashmir_Z on a recorded line, how can i help you today"
[9:35 PM]
PI's generally use, implied consent,
[9:36 PM]
Because, we want to be very clear, that the high paying lawyer or whatever, gets the information,
[9:36 PM]
Most other places, just to be sure, go, On a recorded line is that ok?
[9:36 PM]
As to the letter of the law, and i forget the section off the top of my head, i will find it for you
[9:36 PM]
You dont actually have to, it just depends, on who the magistrate is going to be, whether they will accept it or not
[9:37 PM]
Small claims court, they usually have very little objection to it, usually in my observational experience, and i know that for fact, otherwise, half my evidence never would have been admissable on all those cases right? logic and reason
[9:37 PM]
So if you are out there in gamer land, monitoring for crime etc, thats how you do it
[9:38 PM]
Now, of course, when your in a call centre, working in insurance, you have to do it in a very overt way right
[9:38 PM]
When you are out in PI land proper
[9:38 PM]
You can get a bit creative, now what do us gamers do? we record stuff for our fun little gaming videos dont we?

Kashmir_Z — Today at 9:38 PM
and remember, as a PI, pre-texting is very much a part of our work, so lies, deception, subterfuge etc, all part of the job description
[9:39 PM]
So, without any MAJOR objection to your moral code on those things
[9:39 PM]
You would just be sitting around and be like
[9:40 PM]
Hey guys, just going to record on OBS so i can cut some footage for a game clip im working on, legally, so long as they heard it, and you said it, and they didnt object to it, in Australia at least, in small claims court, its admissable, i imagine that would be the same elsewhere to - and you can do that, as a civilian, but you MUST do that if your a licenced PI
[9:40 PM]
Very important, i am pinning this
[9:40 PM]
until i can put it in a boildown
[9:40 PM]
Actually no, i will pin it as a rule, then ping you
[9:41 PM]
Will frill it up later as a rule on the final drafts, and edits, when i get to that, most of that stuff is drafted for now and will need "Amendments" as they say - tad busy at the moment working, so not doing that just now or will break my concentration, but this, is critically important to understand