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RE: How Did Our Societies Become So Dysfunctional?

in #politics7 years ago

4 redpills for you to take:

  1. Harmony never existed.

  2. Commercialization is a force in opposition to multiculturalism.

  3. So is terrorism.

  4. Commercialization and terrorism are not in opposition to each other.

  1. Harmony doesn't exist because humans aren't 100 % logical androids. However other societies are more harmonious than others. It is fair to call society x harmonious and society y dysfunctional.
  2. Commercialization doesn't have anything to do with multiculturalism. What I was getting at here was the difference between materialism and idealism.
  3. I don't think it is useful to describe terrorism being in opposition to multiculturalism. It would be more useful to describe terrorism being religiously motivated and that multireligion societies have more clashes between religions.
  4. Materialism and religiously motivated terrorism are in opposition to each other.