Everyone is disgusted by the nut-job that ambushed Republican Congressmen, Senators, the their staff personnel at the ball park. Instead of talking about how this is an argument to take away guns, an argument to allow more guns, and wondering when the first Democrat gun-grabber gets in front of a camera to spew anti-gun psychobabble (looks like the Governor of Virginia beat me before I had a chance to write this article) along with the other angles you get from the talking heads on television and radio. I want to give you an analysis of this incident you are not hearing from the talking heads.
First, I need to set the table. From news reports, the nut-job on Team Libtard set out on a mission with an AK-47 variant, semiautomatic rifle with high capacity magazines (I can only assume standard 30 round capacity) to kill as many Republicans as possible by ambushing them inside a ball park.
On Team Republican (I really don’t care for some of them to be honest), you have an unknown number of people practicing around various places in the park, armed with nothing more than a ball glove, bats, and you can maybe count the ball to. In all fairness, the some Capital Police were on site and armed with Glock pistols (caliber unknown).
Nut-job has the advantage of surprise, firepower, multiple targets of opportunity, cover behind one of the dugouts, and his rifle can easily shoot further than a pistol. The Republicans are mostly in the open, unsuspecting of the danger, basically unarmed, and basically pinned into a cauldron of rifle fire by the confines of the ball park.
In other words, from casualty reports in the media the score at the end of this game was:
Team Libtard: Dead = 1
Team Republican: Bad wound and in hospital = 1; minor wounds 4 or 5 depending on source
My analysis is the nut-job had everything to his advantage, yet failed to kill one person and only got his himself killed. It is hard to imagine how this nut-job could fail to kill one person with all these advantages I can only conclude one of two things altered the probable outcome. One is divine intervention. The second thing is, the nut-job was so incompetent, its a wonder he even found his way to the Washington D.C. area. With this type of incompetence, it is probable he was really incompetent at selecting which politician to support in leading the country...in his case, it was Bernie Sanders the Communist. I’ll lean towards incompetence in this case given what I’ve seen out of other libtards.
On the topic of other libtards...this part is written for libtards. You libtards in the media and the entertainment world that keep trying to influence the lesser libtards to commit acts of violence are making a big mistake. If this keeps up you will start something with people that are very competent with weapons and so forth. The restraint shown so far is enormous...that won’t last forever. You might want to think it over based on my analysis on the nut-job having every advantage yet could not get past first base in his mission to kill as many Republicans as possible. This microcosm example tells me if open conflict happens on a much larger scale, Team Libtard has no chance. I don’t think people will stop with the libtards like the nut-job that died from lead poisoning (the quick version)….they will go after the libtard leadership.
I don't think anyone is saying that the psychopath who shot Rep. Scalise represents an entire ideology.
What he did was terrible and he deserves what he got for it. I don't think it's right to "keep score" based on the number of people wounded or killed. Doing so seems like a calloused view on an incident that left one man dead and another in ICU.
Perhaps I misunderstood you, and if be that the case, please disregard my remarks.
Let me clarify. No group is going to have a cookie cutter type person from top to bottom. However, I thought I was specific about which particular ones...those promoting the violence and those carrying it out. I guess you can throw in another type and that is the type that secretly grins about it when nobody is looking. In any case, most of the antifa people you see tearing up stuff hitting people in the head with a bike lock, etc. and the ones that like to get in your face at a peaceful protest as a form of counterprotesting and the organizers and funding sources....they are the ones I am specifically addressing with my closing statements. Any any case, its late 4 a.m. comes early here and if there is any chance the pro-violent types see this, they will know it is them I am writing about.