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RE: Trump is NOT the Problem

in #politics7 years ago

With the exception of Bernie Sanders apparently, he convinced enough voters but fell short of super delegates in the primary. Bernie was too nice, it took an asshole to beat Hillary and expose her for the fraud she is. DJT was the right man at the right time.


If Bernie Sanders had run against Trump
Bernie would have won.

Nah, Trump would of branded Bernie as Bernie the commie and that would of been the end of Sanders. He did it to Bush, Rubio, Cruz, and Hillary and it worked. What would of made Bernie any different? Trump would of gotten even more of the white vote than he did. Trust me, Trump beat Hillary in a rigged election that had illegals voting for her. Sanders had millenial support who want socialism, no way would he have gotten anyone over 30.

trust you?
but..but...this is so sudden.
I hardly know you.