Here we go again.

in #politics7 years ago

So the American government has put Assad "on notice",whatever that means,and by proxy the Russians for a chemical weapons attack they know isn't going to happen,at least not committed by Assad anyway.
Yet the Americans drop white phosphorus on populations at will. Unless I missed something white phosphorus is a chemical weapon and the use of it a war crime.
And the media silence and complicit in their calls for action against a phantom menace.
When do we as a human family say enough?
Will the American people ever demand their government stop implementing genocide in their names?
Thanks to Trump the world no longer feels the need to tow the American line anymore,which is definitely a good thing and the Europeans have decided to create their own military force,which negates any need for NATO.
We will see where this leads but a war with Russia will end the west. The Chinese have an armed sub in pursuit of every single American aircraft carrier and if America decides to really push 19 carriers,and any hope for an American victory sinks to the bottom of the sea. America is nothing without air power.
And the missile defence shield THAAD is a joke. Not once has it in practice stopped any incoming missiles. An expensive piece of hardware the American people paid for and got nothing in return.
I pray the Americans find their balls and stop their governments incessant need for war for America the beautiful will not be spared.
Will cooler heads prevail?
Who knows
With the man child in office under constant attack he will do whatever he feels will work to deflect,and sadly in America starting a war works.


Don't forget how we got in this situation with Assad in the first place...the so called "Red Line". If we would have done more than we wouldn't be relying on the man child in office. US should just buy the Iron Dome shield from Israel. Theirs works and is tested almost every day!

The so called first attack,on Obombya's watch was clearly a false flag. And this so called civil war never was one.
Please. Google a journalist named Eva Bartlett. He's a Canadian journalist who has spent a significant amount of time in Syria. She'll fill you in.
Based on your comment you're extremely misinformed,not that it's a surprise. The western media isn't even remotely close to being anything more than the propaganda wing of the owners.