
hmmmmm...can't read too well can you?
Where did I say that I supported the cheetoh?
Good thing you unfollowed me though.
I'd have to flag a supporter of the daughter of satan.
The Hildebeast has blood on her hands.
She is evil.

Hmmmm, can't read too well, can you? Where did I say that I supported the Hildebeast? I´m an anarchist, and an anti-capitalist, and I could not support either of those candidates. I would consider voting for Shillary to protect the world from the even worse evils of Donald Trump, whom you clearly wrote in support of.
If you don't support Drumph the Nazi misogynist, please say so clearly.

You're pretty good with insults. I wonder if you even know what some of those words mean?
Oh well. It doesn't matter. If you think anarchy is anti-capitalist you definitely have a problem.
Anarchy, by definiton, means 'no rules'. It can't be anti anything.

Like I said and you agreed...the Hildebeast is evil. She IS the greater of the two evils.
I do what I can to see that she does not get elected.

Your insults are really low,and meaningless. And anarchy does not mean 'no rules' .
Let's consult wikipedia:
"Anarchy is the condition of a society, entity, group of people, or a single person that rejects hierarchy.[1] The term originally meant leaderlessness, but in 1840, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon adopted the term in his treatise What Is Property? to refer to a new political philosophy, anarchism, which advocates stateless societies based on voluntary associations. In practical terms, anarchy can refer to the curtailment or abolition of traditional forms of government."
Furthermore, some etymology for you:
The term anarchism is a compound word composed from the word anarchy and the suffix -ism,[26] themselves derived respectively from the Greek ἀναρχία, i.e. anarchy[27][28][29] (from ἄναρχος, anarchos, meaning "one without rulers";[30]

I leave it to you to figure out what your fallacy is called.

that would be because, according to what you just wrote, there is no fallacy.
stateless societies based on voluntary associations. In practical terms, anarchy can refer to the curtailment or abolition of traditional forms of government."

that's what I said.
No rules.