EU Says: Europe Needs Immigration for Economy and Welfare

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

This is what I have been talking about regarding our flawed way of living, starting with The Future - Where Are We Headed? and continuing on with other posts like Is the West 'Dying' from Lower Fertility Due to 'Intelligence'?

The main reason disastrous immigration policies are adopted, that orchestrate and force acceptance of incompatible or hostile cultures, is because of a myopic economic drive for growth and sustaining an unsustainable economic model and way of life.

Then sustaining our way of life becomes part of "foreign policy" and "national security", so we go invade other lands to get better deals on resources we need to keep "growing".


I had mentioned the quote in that post above, from Louis Bélanger, a spokesman for the Canadian Minister of International Development, who said:

"Immigration continues to play a key role in contributing to Canada's well-being, to our economic prosperity, and to our success as a nation. We are confident with our programs and will continue to ensure that our immigration system balances compassion, efficiency and economic opportunity for all, while protecting the health, safety and security of Canadians."

Once you look into the globalists, socialists, bankers and elites, what they do, what they talk about, and the plans they have for us, then you can understand what is going on with immigration in the Western world, and why it is such an issue. That's not to say people who argue against immigration are even doing so with this awareness. There are always the blind followers of socialism and welfare, but also the bigots and haters who are xenophobic. Neither of them sees what is really going on.

Now listen to what the European Union's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said yesterday:

“I believe Europeans should understand that we need migration for our economies and for our welfare systems, with the current demographic trend we have to be sustainable."

Of course the mouthpiece for the globalist new world order control grid wants to project the narrative that the immigration is all good on all fronts, and we won't survive as a people without it... They are so fixated on the falsity of the current condition and way of life (and so too are most people), that they don't talk about how to change our way of life instead, nor do other people care to envision how to change things since they are trapped in the illusion of "good" and "order" that is projected from their way of life.

“Let me be totally clear from the very beginning: Europe does not and will not close its doors."

Instead of fixing ourselves, our way of life... nah! Let's just import more people to keep it growing, and expanding... because that's "progress"!

Even if nations want to close their doors, the EU is going to control them and force them to keep things open, no matter the problems. How's that for national and individual autonomy under a globalist centralized power?

Here is the centralized authority exercising demands over the smaller sovereign. In this case it's the EU over nation states, which controls people to diverge away from their own national identity and culture, subsumed and consumed by a larger centralized power than their own nation state governments have. Instead of a regular government controlling your local area, now it's an even more disconnected and abstract entity that has centralized control over not only your nation, but many nations at once.

We aren't making progress through greater, larger, more all-encompassing centralized governance of the world. That's the wrong direction to head in.

This is the goal of the EU and other nation-alliances that promote a New World Order under the false appearance and guise of "unity", "diversity" and a "global vision" for "humanity". But all you end up getting is less control over your own life as more control is given to further distant, remote and detached control structures that care even less about you than your national government does in most cases.


In order to keep this enhancement of globalized new world order control over more of the world going, they have to manipulate consciousness into accepting it through their agenda, like massive immigration that is against the will of individuals in their own nation states, and eve against the government's own choices in many of those nations. People are disempowered moreso through the EU and other globalized centralization of power, than their own government. It creates a greater disenfranchisement and disillusionment over the control we have over our own lives.

How are they manipulating consciousness to accept this centralized "order" over their lives? Through emotional appeals to get you to feel more emotions they induce into you, and think less about what's really going on or how you're being manipulated.

Mogherini knows how to manipulate people with emotions, as all politicians and story tellers know, saying "we Europeans have been migrants ourselves up to few years ago." He continued with: “Every day, every single day, people still die on the route; those we see at sea, those we do not see in the desert [in Africa]. Each one of those lives is one too many and we can save them, protect them; prevent these dangerous journeys only if we manage together."

Don't think about what is actually going on, don't go learn to understand what the hell is happening. Don't understand how you support your nations who actively go and bomb foreign nations or support other countries that do the same. No. Just identify with the suffering of immigrants and let them in! Don't stop attacking their native homeland... of course not.

In 2015, EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker iterated the same narrative about the need for immigration by saying Europe is an “aging continent in demographic decline and migration should be viewed as a resource rather than a problem.”

The fear of an aging and graying Europe has many older people worried, as they are going to be getting the short end of the stick in their view, with pension and welfare plans not being supported to the extent they currently are. As the population shrinks, tax payers can't be fleeced to pay for pensions and welfare programs. By 2060, it's estimated 1/3 of Europeans will be 65 and over.

Shouldn't that be a signal to us that we need to change how we live?... Nope, not for the majority of people... just keep on keeping on, and ride the wave to oblivion!

This is the problem with blind, myopic, continuous expansion and "growth" where no honest and accurate reflection and analysis is being done to understand how to fix our problems. We just jeep doing the same thing and expect this all to work out.

The world leaders just want to hold onto their cake and eat it too, so to speak. They don't want to actually change how we live under a new model of life. No. Just keep doing the same thing, and pretend to "solve" the problems by importing more and more people to keep up with a deluded false understanding that feeds an unsustainable way of life.

Wake up world! We are fools being led by fools because we don't seem to want to care to learn and figure out what the hell is going on in the world!

Stop attacking, bombing and murdering other nations in order to destabilize the region and remove political obstacles to globalization. Get rid of a more ordered society that exists now (Syria, Libya, Iraq), although it may not be "optimal", "perfect", etc., and replace it with warlords and more chaos, and you have your Problem-Reaction-Solution false Hegelian dialectic to do what you wanted and setup a puppet government that favors the Western power that put them into power.

No matter what the unreality that the EU, other leaders and globalists want to project into the consciousness of people, reality speaks louder. Yesterday I mentioned the new poll by Chatham House that shows that the majority of Europeans want to stop immigration. But that isn't what many of their leaders want who toe the globalization NWO vision and agenda in their own national sovereignty. Those who object, often get fined by the EU. No wonder Brexit happened, yet people still don't understand the psychology and the power play by globalists to control nation states under one centralized world government.


The vision and goal of a one world order and rule is old. It's thousands of years old. From Egypt, to the Middle East, Persia and China, back to Europe and America, empires and imperial conquest has been a degenerate desire in the "hearts" and "minds" of many men/women in history.

The appeal to "unity" is so strong in all ages that people fall for the clever rhetoric and emotional appeals form their leaders who convince them that global domination is a "good" and "moral" thing to do to bring about a new world "order" or "peace" and "freedom" for all.

What are the means that will be used to achieve the ends of peace and freedom? The means of war, deception and murder. Once this idiocy is understood, one should be able to realize the real lies with real eyes. Those means will never produce the end envisioned. Why? Because the means are the end essentially. The means are what creates the end.

Going to attack, invade and bomb innocent people is not going to create true freedom and peace. Thinking otherwise is a fool's pipe dream that furthers immorality in the world.

And then further to compound that massive stupidity, is the orchestrated immigration to destabilize the states who receive people who were attacked by "your people", the Western powers. Some of them just want to get away from the madness, some have hate and engage in payback against Europeans when they arrive, and some have the goal to take-over Europe and make it an Islamic area. Let's just ignore all of that and open our arms and "minds" so far that our brains essentially pop out in our fantasy of unreality.

Until all of the factors are analyzed honestly, no real solution is going to be created. Knowledge of the truth and falsity in our current condition of reality is required if we are going to get anywhere with real and lasting peace and freedom.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2017-02-09, 5pm@krnel


Your statement:

"But all you end up getting is less control over your own life as more control is given to further distant, remote and detached control structures that care even less about you than your national government does in most cases."

This sums up why the EU will likely and ultimately fail. What does someone who lives in Stockholm understand about the way of life on someone in Lisbon? The very idea that the technocrat, globalists in Brussels "know best" how someone should live and take away their rights to decide for themselves is flawed at best. Nice work krnel! Please keep it coming.

these days, I dread taking a walk alone when it gets dark
I miss the old days ...
what to do .. send them all back .. surely they aren't closing the doors nor have any plan to get things organized@krnel - I'm not from here and years before merkel opened EU to just all of those even though most are not even war victims - life was safer and better back then

I miss the old days .. I hope EU's environment specially doesn't get ruined - its looking all dirty on some parts not to mention - not safe
sighs ..

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It does feel a lot like we are on the highway to nowhere... or to our own demise.

Truth? I'd submit that we seem to have an addiction to "growth" or "more." It's almost like a meta-variant of the psychological disorder of hoarding, much of it perpetuated by the ruling political/financial elite... and until someone is willing to sit down and examine the hard truth that "growth" may NOT be a good idea... that simply having "stability" is enough... we'll continue to have trouble with immigration patterns, corporate corruption, governments and more. But what system is going to honestly examine the possibility that the only reasonable path forward to propose its own demise?

Employee ownership IMHO is the only way to maintain a thriving economy, without have to rely on growth. Growth for growths sake is unsustainable, and destructive to limited resources. By having a more balanced distribution of profits, you have a working class able to consume, and thrive, lessening the need for the social safety net. It's more efficient, preventing social problems, instead of having to rectify them on the backend through redistributive taxes.

Yep just like the financial system in all western societies- a Ponzi scheme is the most accurate description.

In the US the elites love lots of mass illegal immigration- it provides them with a slave labor class to cut their grass, take care of the kids, work in their companies- all for substandard wages of course. That of course always has a downward force effect on middle class Americans wages which of course the elites are fine with as well- They engineer things so the majority are forced to keep running hard in that rat's wheel all the way to there graves.

Well said. Things are so messed up, on multiple fronts, and people don't learn... and yet they wonder why they are so confused about what is going on... lol.

Thank you for writing this excellent article!

Our modern debt based lifestyle is like a drug. We can either to go through painful rehabilitation now or we will end up in hospital (or a morgue) with an overdose.

It's rare to see articles that try to stay calm and balanced, especially when discussing subjects that many people feel passionate about. Although I do not agree 100% with what you've said, I think we need more articles like this one, for a calm and honest debate about where we go from here, together.
Keep it up!

@krnel thank you very much for the reward !