"War Was Always The Plan"

in #politics8 years ago

The war on terror, a war declared by the 43rd president of the united states, George W. Bush, it is a war that impacts all of mankind in unimaginable ways. Some know of this war but very few understand the significance of the war. Society is lead to believe that the global war started in response to the attacks on American soil, however that is just an illusion to lure common folks towards a more sinister agenda. People must go back and analyze the details. On September 11, 2001, Osama Bin Laden and his regime coordinated four terrorist attacks on the United States. In response several innocent people were killed , the wealth of the middle class shift towards the wealthiest one percent, and a new era ushered in the new world of the new age.
Throughout history world war ll has been known as a world war, when in fact less than five percent of the world was involved in the war. The war was indeed a world war due to the fact that more innocent people worldwide were killed by starvation than the war itself. On September 11, 2001 history seemed to be repeating itself when 2977 people’s lives were taken during the 9-11 attacks. Later that day President George W Bush declared that, “ Every nation in every region now has a decision to make, either you are with us or you are with the terrorist”. The world was in a moment in history were a world leader warned the people of every nation in every region that you ether be apart or die. In that very moment the biggest genocide in human
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history since world war ll was declared, the war on global terrorism. The global war on terror is an international military campaign that started after the September 11 attacks on the United States. The war is in the eyes of many conscious people a senseless war for money, power, and respect. We were told by many ‘so called', national intelligence agencies that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, the pentagon and twin towers were struck by hijacked planes, and that the us must go to war. If society were to do the research required people will find that demolition experts state that the falling of the twin towers were as if a demolition were to be accuring, not as if a plane had struck them. The people for years have been feed political fallacies and have no idea how deep and sinister this war on terror is, three presidents, no real enemy, and innocent lives taken, this war has caused nothing but hurt pain and destruction.
Over the course of this war many people around the world are suffering economically. Every war from the past till now has done nothing but devour economy's, resources, and citizens of every nation. The war on terror is nothing more than a political project to shift the middle class to a lower classed level. Society must to prevent more havoc and end this war research and educate people, if society allows this war to progress we will end up in the biggest world wide genocide in the history of mankind. The war on terror is more so a world take over by the elite world leaders, you are ether for the powers that be or will be deamed a terrorist. The world is in an economic crisis and this war is just a fuel to the fire. The world is now being ushered into a new age and many are being killed, tortured, and striped of their rights.
The war on terror has caused much chaos, confusion, and fear as well as ushered in a new world in a new age. The world is becoming more and more ignorant . Literacy levels are at all-time lows people’s, awareness of information are at all-time lows, and the wealth as well as health of people are at all-time lows. More kids are having kids, more men are disrespectful to
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their women, and we are just blind to anything we feel is not true. He new age has ushered in the new world order, were right is wrong and wrong is right. The dream of peace and prosperity is just that, a dream, the reality is we live in confusion and poverty.
In conclusion, the enemy of this war has never been deemed and no one has asked fro answers we have been lead to a plan that was made in secert, an agenda no man but insiders could know. We live it and see it every day we rise. The war on terrorism has an enemy and that enemy is any living thing that goes against the world also known as the invisible hand we are in a time were unity is scared and the only way to survive is the fins purpose in this time of suffering.


the "dark side" wants wars, crave wars, understanding who is funding terror is never explored....are you telling me that the US does not have the means to stop terror....?

Not that but are funding and creating those very so people and are the terror who is destroying the world

by design.....they want "one world govt they control" it's evil