Again. Ask yourself. Isn't the majority, the people themselves that set up this system throughout time? Aren't people themselves fasten the chains to their own ankles?
"the school", "the system" etc is not made of magical beings. is made out of people. it can be gone in a twitch. politicians are just executioners of the public's orders. They don't care either way as long as they enjoy their big fat chair. People support this system. Most people endorse these ideas.
Remember. In a democracy what gets elected is the average mentality. We get the leaders we deserve in order to pull out our favors. I am surprised you can't see this. You have disconnected the leaders from the "average folk" as if they are some kind of eternal beings ruling humanity for eons.
While I cannot speak for how democracy works in Cyprus, I can respond to your post from the point of view of the American Constitutional Republic.
This statement has two problems from my point of view. The very design of the American Constitution was crafted with the idea to limit those who could participate in the voting process and to limit the voice of the average American, or as Hamilton phrased it in the Federalist Papers, to limit the voice of 'mob mentality.'
The result of the US Constitution and the subsequent state constitutions started out limiting the voice of the people to White Anglo Saxon Property Owners. Over the years things have eroded these limitations to a more inclusive demographic. But subtle limitations still persist that disenfranchise many. There is definitely no Average Mentality in the process. In addition the process here limits the people's voice to 2 major parties (other parties are allowed but have little chance) and these parties present choices that are manicured by special interests that have no real reflection of the average mentality of America.
And the voice of these authorities is the general media including News outlets and Entertainment producers.My second problem with this statement is eloquently presented by @truthseekereport wherein the reality that 'public opinion' and 'average mentality' is manufactured by the educational system with a goal to condition people to generally believe and obey the authorities that be.
I do, however agree wholly with your point about self responsibility. And a major act by people in resistance to this obedience to Authority culture is to participate in Cryptocurrencies. The more we involve ourselves with a trade medium and wealth storage that is outside the Bankster's realm the closer we can get to a truly egalitarian society where we do, as individuals, act with responsibility for ourselves.
Thank you for your detailed comment.
Well, aren't the people who vote, also choose the education system?
3 companies in China control Bitcoin :)