Political Correctness (PC) is the way we treat each other in order to avoid being offensive. The term fails since being offensive is something subjective and depends on one’s culture, ethics and personal experiences. With PC human interaction gets lost in a-la-carte behaviour and meaningless savoir-vivre. People avoid expressing their ideas because they are afraid being criticized. PC serves as an unofficial social contract. Everyone’s identity becomes a pulp of mediocrity.
The vast majority of humans, like most other mammals in the animal kingdom, are politically correct. This form of behaviour serves the group since the alpha male, the non-PC leader, can direct the masses at will. This also explains the phenomenon why many, while they do enjoy being in this passive behavioral state, find themselves attracted to non-PC assertive individuals that speak their mind. This reinforces the idea of PC as an evolutionary adaptation—one that is aimed to focus power on one individual in order for the group to survive. Thing is, we don’t need this evolutionary autopilot anymore. We are nowhere near being threatened by other animals.
By being politically correct, one avoids friction, conflict and confrontation. Learning how to speak and act properly in order to be accepted comes hand in hand with ideas of “positive thinking”, “positive energy” and other childish self-worshipping delusions we see trending around us.
For example, almost everyone reading this post belongs to the elite 15% of this planet that has adequate food, clean water and a safe shelter on a daily basis. We think “positively”, yet we avoid reality because our environment is as safe as a glass bubble. No wonder “The Secret” was such a hit of a book. Do you want something special western human? Just dream it and the universe will make it happen for you. As if the safe space of our western culture was not enough, PC makes sure to safe-proof our minds as well.
The comfiness of modern life has soften our character and spirit. Even if we are going through so-called “economic crises”, here in the west we have the basics to enjoy on a daily basis. Most people on this planet struggle daily in terms of life or death in order to survive. I wonder how many “positive energy” individuals have the balls to preach to a starving child in Africa that his situation is such because he attracts “negative energy”. This is not only bullshit but downright hubris to humanity itself.
We hear what we want to hear and speak what others want us to speak. It seems that the self-help movement of the 80’s with cults like the one of Tony Robbins has evolved into what we see around us today. People are afraid to talk and think, not only because they are afraid of criticism from others, but also because they are afraid of their own minds. “No negative thoughts, think positive, everything is going to be alright”. It doesn’t get more pathetic than this.
We have managed to incorporate this politically correct mantra in our relationships. We reinforce it in cosmopolitan-level articles that urge us to “detox” our social life from all this negativity or what it comes to be—reality itself. We cut off people that don’t agree with us and join groups that reinforce our own superstitions. We have stopped arguing in person in order to discover one another. Ancient Greeks developed such an amazing culture because they argued on a daily basis with each other about their ideas. What do we do? We report things we don’t like to Zuckerberg, or worse, flag content to hide it. Yeah. That’s better. Everything is “safe” now.
The PC trend is sculpting people to be way too sensitive with everything that goes on in their lives. We are nourishing our inner spoiled brat so that others can cater to our “positivism”. I wonder, why after so much positivism in our western culture we are still popping up pills like M&M’s? Why are we so obsessed with being happy if we are indeed investing on positivity so much? We are full of shit and we know it. We just hope that no one will notice if everyone is playing along.
The News and Social Media have changed their rules of conduct, removing all “negative commentary”. We demand this new lingo so much that our friends, coworkers and even politicians and leaders have become liars, hypocrites and crooks— and we have the guts to complain on top of it!
The average perception craves political correctness and this is exactly what we are getting. Every single leader out there, every politician, represents the average perception. We are our politicians. When we bitch and moan about their actions we are in fact angry with our own hypocrisy, not them. They are just business people satisfying a market based on demand.
Political Correctness has become a symbol, a flag. There is a surge of group creation across all domains for all kinds of things. People demand “rights”, as if one group suffers more than the other. We end up stripping the freedoms off another group for the sake of our security, imprisoning each other under the shackles of governmental control.
We forget that all humans have by default equal natural rights. "Human rights" and other privileges were created when some people grouped together and gained special treatment at the expense of others. This is why after such a long time when one mentions "human rights" is like mentioning "God". The term is so vaguely defined, so subjectively understood, it becomes pointless.
Human rights were perhaps the first attempt for making the masses politically correct. After WW2 the United Nations decided that all humans should have the same fundamental rights. Of course this never worked, because the ones controlling the United Nations make wars to gain resources and excuse every inhumane action as collateral damage. “United Nations”. What a farse. If nations were really united we wouldn’t be talking about human rights now would we?
Yet we still believe in this bullshit in the same way we believe that thinking about a positive outcome will make it happen. Imagine everyone being “positive”. Everyone in the west will be millionaires, everyone will have great health, everyone will get awesome jobs, everyone will have awesome families, everyone will be a pioneer.
Who will be cleaning the toilets in our schools? Who will be cleaning our shit in hospital beds? Who will be taking our trash outside? Magic motherfuckers. Magic! We share pictures of war, famine and misery in order to show how “humane” we are, while they migrate in our kingdoms in order to clean up our shit. Our tax funded corporatist exploitators brought them in our doorstep. We complain about the politicians we hire as hitmen while we enjoy all the goodies with “positive energy”.
Why do you think humans suffer so much from loneliness even if we are more connected than ever? Why do you think we visit therapists to talk about identity crisis or our problems with the rest of the world? We wear so many politically correct masks that we have lost track with reality. “Positive Energy”, as if life is the green valley with my little pony. We have become spoiled brats accusing the world for “patriarchy”, “capitalism”, “corruption”, “fat shaming”, “government”, “religion”, turning all the arguments against one another since everybody carries their own ideology. What a circus. Nobody can take any offense anymore. Nobody can criticize anyone since everyone can put themselves in a “disadvantaged” group.
I understand that we have always worn some kind of a mask and behaved in some kind of political correctness more or less. Nobody denies this. As humans living in complex societies this is rather a necessity. Today though, the phenomenon has turned people against their own selves. We might see, for example, a group of five people sitting in a coffee shop sunked in their mobile screens liking each others’ posts, as if all internet interaction takes place in another dimension. Turn your head some degrees left and you witness a hipster taking 500 selfies on her porch. Which one will gather the most likes? Even though she knows that she doesn’t look like that in real life the illusion is sustained since everyone is doing it. And then we wonder why we pop pills and complain why people cannot see “who we truly are”. Oh yes. Think more positive and don’t forget to tweet about it.
We sacrifice our identity in order to become accepted. We sacrifice our freedom of expression for the sake of safety. We demand only positive things, shoving reality under the carpet. The very profession of a psychologist exists because we cannot be real with each other. Therapists are friends on payroll. We wouldn’t want to cause any “negativity” in our friend circle or show any form of “weakness”, right?
We have become an avatar, a by-product of political correctness. One can either be real and suffer the social exclusion or forever be absorbed into this bottomless pit of inclusive absurdity.
Be not intimidated...Nor suffer your selfs to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicateness or decency. These, as they are often used, are but 3 different names for hypocrisy, chancery and cowardice~
John Adams~*~
Hahahahahahaha yes indeed~
A manifestation of the dibolical slave program institutions!
Cultural Marxism is not cool, thanks for sharing...
Indeed. Sad but true.
By the way because I can't be bothered to answer all the "positive thinking" mantra in the comments here is a music video to answer them all
Political correctness is an enforcement mechanism of leftwing views. If you voice questions about gay marriage, you are labeled a homophobe. Express moral qualms about abortion, you're a sexist. Support Constitutionalism, and get accused of sympathy for a racist document.
A college student sees "Trump" scrawled in chalk on the sidewalk and has to flee to a safe zone. Celebrations of psychotic killers like Che Guevara run as scheduled without protest. That's political correctness.
My local newspaper editorial pages ran a solid month of 3-4 articles and political cartoons savaging Trump without ever mentioning Hillary. The onslaught only stopped when he cratered in the polls. Today I hear that Donald Trump has health problems just as Hillary does--he's fat. B. Clinton asks "why all the fuss about someone having the flu?". Guess it's just that sexism is alive and well in America.
Indeed. Cultural appropriation. You have to conform or else...
Can I get a hell yeah to this post!
The PC movement entrenched itself so deep into American consciousness that people have no idea what they can and cant't say anymore.
It's actually reduced communication amongst the people.
Worst part is that people don't know who they really are
We have become so soft these days. I say what I want when I want with no filter.
If someone doesn't like what I say they don't have to listen. If I don't like what someone is saying I don't listen. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect that but I'm not gonna edit myself out of fear of what someone thinks. Zero fucks given.
PC sucks balls but "positive thinking" can work very well - not many people do it all that much though...
Gambling can also work very well. It is much the same thing. It looks good for the person that works.
It's not the easiest thing in the world to do, but quite a few people who have manged to do the things in this book have had very good results
Again, post-hoc bias.
The results happen (e.g someone becomes succesful) and then they tell you how they did it—most usually write a book about it because they believe what they did worked.
It doesn't work like that. Imagine how many people immitated these techniques and ended up nowhere. it' s a sham
those people might have done the same thing but because of bad luck they didn't make it this they didn't write a book how "not to do it"
it' classic marketing technique. i can't believe how many people fall for it...
Great post. More people should be reading it.
This PC shit has become a real challenge in our days, it's a real test for the individual. Do I risk being marginalised and say it out loud, or should I just stay on the safe side and wait it out?
There's a brilliant documentary on a similar topic: That's Not Funny(2014).
I will make sure to watch it
I agree with your article. I'm sure PC was a designed idea in society to create more separation and less authentic, honest, genuine humans. However, in regards to your words on positivity, some of the happiest, most positive people I've ever met have been those people taking out trash and cleaning toilets. There are plenty of simple people that don't feel the need to rise to the top to be happy and positive (and a lot of them do rise up anyway due to their great attitude). Granted there's tons of miserable people too but majority of them don't know themselves or what they want out of life; they just want to complain and someone help them (yes some people are almost completely stuck in shit situations but when there's a will there's a way). Yes there's phony yogi positive people, but when it really comes down to it, genuine positivity, sharing love, and participating in new paradigm shifts like growing your own food are still paramount. I see every human as a brother and sister. I feel that humans need to be honest with themselves, the reality of our world, and do the best with what they can. Thanks for your article I give my comments with warmth and hope for them to be received that way. Following you, Thanks!
The people you meet and they are happy or "positive thinkers" are the exception to the rule. Same goes for those saying that they witnessed miracles or succeded in life because of X.
you never see the failures, the vast majority to tell you that they did the exact same thing and didn't work for them because they are either dead, sick or too embarrased.
it is the most classic bias
I respect your opinion but you're coming from a place of fear. I read some of those books on positivity as mentioned in comments below and its true they don't do anything. You forget about it all a few days after because it's not a built up pattern or experience. It really comes down to reprogramming your mind. If you can confront the programs/patterns/reactions built into your mind from childhood that create judgement, fear, justification, manipulation, control, jealously, and so on, accept them, and let them go, your life will change. You will be happier and more successful because everyone will be attracted to you because you have what most don't have anymore... peace of mind. And at that point you don't really need much anyway. Life doesn't change until you change your mind. Art Martin does amazing research and practice with this. If you don't believe in miracles look him up he has given people their eye sight back, hearing back, cured autoimmune diseases, terminal cancer you name it. It's all documented with 95% success rate and it's done with a method of reprogramming the mind. Hope this was valuable, bless!
Again. Bullshit. Repeating it doesn't make it true.
Very well then, good luck to ya.
I live in America. In America you are free to say whatever you want whenever you want. Keep in mind though, the hospitals are filled with jagoffs that got their ass kicked for running their nickel jaw to the wrong person :)
This post is definitely not PC:)
PC - Tis' a terrible affliction!
There are few things quite as thoroughly detestable as the thought-policing that cultural Marxism engenders. It destroys innovation and liberty in the most insidious way; by making people think twice about it before they open their mouths. Now, instead of declaring resolutely "no, this is wrong," people have to self-censor and pick and choose what to say and to who.
It's absurd. And infuriating.
Indeed. When everyone is the same value is destroyed. stagnation follows
Political Correctness is mainstream thinking, ie hypocrisy.
Avoiding contrast and offending people who is easily offended because can't manage an opinion different for their own